Introduction: Frog Orgami

These are the instructions to make a frog out of paper. For this you need a rectangular piece of paper, a red crayon, and scissors

Step 1: Rectangle Piece of Paper

Step 2: Fold Right Side to the Left

Step 3: Open It Up

Step 4: Fold Both Sides to the Middle

Step 5: Flip Paper Over

Step 6: Fold Point to the Top of the Middle Line and Do It for Both Sides and You Should Get a "X"

Step 7: Now Kind of Press the Top and Bottom of the "X" in the Middle and Press It Down Making It Flat, Do It for Both Sides

Step 8: Now With the Diamond You Should Have 4 Flaps, So Fold Them to the Middle Edge With All 4 Flaps

Step 9: Fold the Flaps (All 4), and It Should Look Like the 3 Photo at the End of This Step

Step 10: Now Flip It and Fold and Make the Points Meet, So We Have a Fold Up and Down and Left to Right

Step 11: Bring One Edge and Fold Then Do It Again for Another Edge So They Make a Point

Step 12: Fold the Center

Step 13: Fold the Other Point to the Fold You Just Did

Step 14: The Triangle You Folded Should Have 2 Openings

Step 15: Insert the Two Flaps Into the Two Openings

Step 16: On the Same Side Fold It Inward for the Spring

Step 17: Flip It to the Other Side, So the Side You Folded Inward Is the Back of the Frog, and Color It Red