Introduction: Fun With Friend's PC!

Cause a friend's PC to open exe files with the "open with" dialog!

Step 1: Create a Registry Script With Notepad

Open notepad and type the following exactly:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"%1\" %*"

Now save the file with a name like "EXEfix.reg", because this is the backup to make the PC open files correctly! You will have to choose "all files" as the type or windows will name the file exefix.reg.txt, and it will not work, but will open in notepad instead.

Step 2: Now the One That Counts

Now open notepad again and create a new file, changing only the "%1" to "%2" like follows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"%2\" %*"

Now save this file as NOEXE.reg, remembering to change the type to "all files". You should now have 2 registry scripts called exefix.reg, and noexe.reg.

Step 3: Now Double Click Noexe.reg!

Now run Noexe.reg, by double clicking it and Windows will ask you if you want to add the info to the registry, just click yes and then windows will tell you it was added successfully. Now to see how it works just go to the desktop and try to run a program. You should see the open with dialog asking you what program you want to open it with! If you choose another program, then it will try to open the first one which is likely to cause it to stop responding. You can still right click and choose open which will work, but it may take your buddy a while to figure that out. To fix it just run the exefix and all will be back to normal! This is a fun prank, but may cause someone to call IT if you do it at work, so I wouldnt suggest it.