Introduction: Game Show Controller 1.0
I teach at the University of Missouri, and I wanted a method to add some "Gamification" to my exam review exercises. There is a lot of evidence and research that using a game in class can help with student learning (it activates different pathways in the brain (social, reward, motor-sensory, etc.). For a quick summary, check out The Five Benefits of Adding Gamification to Classrooms. Gamification:
- Boosts enthusiasm toward math
- Lessens disruptive behavior
- Increases cognitive growth
- Incorporates mature make-believe which encourages growth and development, and
- Improves attention span through game-centric learning.
So when I saw a blog post on the Adafruit site about using and modifying a set of cheap game show controllers ( Wireless Game Show Poppers for the Classroom! Pro Trinket + Hacked Duo Pop Game = Game Show Fun!), I thought this might be a great solution. However, as I played with this solution more, I decided that I needed something that would be free standing and not require a particular piece of software or computer connection to work. At that time, I had also started playing with the 16x8 1.2" LED Matrix ( and loved the display and scrolling text that you could make. So, I set off to come up with a stand-alone Game Show Controller, that would use the POP IR transmitters, with four 16X8 LED matrixes that would display scores, status, etc.
Step 1: Assemble the Matrix Backpacks and Set the Matrix IDs
This is a simple step, just solder the matrixes onto their backpacks, and then on three of the backpacks, you need to solder a little blob of solder across the gold pads to set the I2C IDs. For mine, I set the IDs as follows:
- Red Matrix: No connection, which leaves the matrix at the default ID of 0x70.
- Blue Matrix: Connect A1, which sets the matrix to the ID of 0x72.
- Green Matrix: Connect A2, which sets the matrix to the ID of 0x74.
- Yellow Matrix: Connect A0, which sets the matrix to the ID of 0x71.
It doesn't matter what ID you set, as you can change this in the programming. You just need to have a unique ID for each matrix.
Step 2: Wiring and Mounting the Base
Here are the parts I ended up using for this project.
- 1 x 16x8 Blue Matrix (
- 1 x 16x8 Green Matrix (
- 1 x 16x8 Red Matrix (
- 1 x 16x8 Orange Matrix (
- 1 x IR Receiver (
- 1 x Piezo Buzzer (
- 3 x Momentary switches (
- 1 x Arduino Uno (
- 1 x Half Size BreadBoard (
- 1 x Plastic mounting plate for breadboard and Arduino (
- 4 x 16 pin IC sockets (
- 1 x RadioSnack Grid-Style PC Board with 2200 Holes (
- a piece of wood
- a couple of screws
- hookup wire/breadboard jumpers
I didn't want to permanently mount the matrix to the front of the controller, as they are more expensive and I wanted to be able to unplug them and use them for other purposes. That is why I used the IC sockets to hold the matrixes. Once you solder the headers onto the matrixes, you can just plug them into the front of the controller when you want to use it. Since the ID of each matrix is determined by jumpering two pads on the back of the matrix, the matrixes can be inserted in any order. I also made it easy to remove the buzzer and the IR receiver.
Obviously, you could do this in different form factors.
Step 3: Changes to Code for Displays, Etc.
I used the code from the original project to add in the matrixes, using the code and libraries posted on the Adafruit site for displaying text on the matrixes. Below is the code that I finally ended up with. It is possible that the transmitter in the controllers that you use, will transmit a different code (or if you are using with different controllers). If so, Adafruit has a nice " Using an IR Sensor" tutorial that you can use to figure out the matching IR codes.
#include <wire.h><br>#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h"</wire.h></p><p>#define IRpin_PIN PINC #define IRpin PINC0 #define MAXPULSE 1000 #define RESOLUTION 20 #define FUZZINESS 45 // we will store up to 100 pulse pairs (this is -a lot-) uint16_t pulses[100][2]; // pair is high and low pulse uint8_t currentpulse = 0; // index for pulses we're storing //speaker int speakerPin = 12;</p><p>//for matrix Adafruit_8x16matrix Redmatrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix(); Adafruit_8x16matrix Bluematrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix(); Adafruit_8x16matrix Greenmatrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix(); Adafruit_8x16matrix Yellowmatrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix(); // Red Code int DUOPOPsignalRed[] = { // ON, OFF (in 10's of microseconds) 140, 50, 100, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 50, 100, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 50, 100}; // Blue Code int DUOPOPsignalBlue[] = { // ON, OFF (in 10's of microseconds) 140, 50, 100, 50, 100, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 50, 100, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100}; // Yellow Code int DUOPOPsignalYellow[] = { // ON, OFF (in 10's of microseconds) 140, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 50, 100}; // Green Code int DUOPOPsignalGreen[] = { // ON, OFF (in 10's of microseconds) 140, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 50, 100};</p><p>int buttonCorrect = 10; //whoever buzzed in, let's add 1 point ! int buttonCorrectState; int lastbuttonCorrectState;</p><p>int buttonWrong = 9; //whoever buzzed in, let's dock them 2 points ! int buttonWrongState; int lastbuttonWrongState;</p><p>int buttonReset =8 ; //There was an error or for some reason we don't want to count this rount int buttonResetState; int lastbuttonResetState;</p><p>int BuzzedIn = 0;</p><p>int RedNumberCorrect =0; int GreenNumberCorrect =0; int BlueNumberCorrect =0; int YellowNumberCorrect =0; int ReadytoPlay =0; int numTones = 10; int tones[] = {261, 277, 294, 311, 330, 349, 370, 392, 415, 440}; // mid C C# D D# E F F# G G# A</p><p>static const uint8_t PROGMEM smile_bmp[] = { B00111100, B01000010, B10100101, B10000001, B10100101, B10011001, B01000010, B00111100 }, neutral_bmp[] = { B00111100, B01000010, B10100101, B10000001, B10111101, B10000001, B01000010, B00111100 }, frown_bmp[] = { B00111100, B01000010, B10100101, B10000001, B10011001, B10100101, B01000010, B00111100 };</p><p>void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(buttonCorrect, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(buttonWrong, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(buttonReset, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(IRpin, INPUT); //SETUP THE DISPLAYS. Redmatrix.begin(0x70); // pass the address Bluematrix.begin(0x72); // pass the address Greenmatrix.begin(0x74); // pass the address Yellowmatrix.begin(0x71); // pass the address Yellowmatrix.setTextSize (0); Yellowmatrix.setTextWrap(false); // we dont want text to wrap so it scrolls nicely Yellowmatrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); Yellowmatrix.setRotation(1); Bluematrix.setTextSize(0); Bluematrix.setTextWrap(false); // we dont want text to wrap so it scrolls nicely Bluematrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); Bluematrix.setRotation(1); Redmatrix.setTextSize(0); Redmatrix.setTextWrap(false); // we dont want text to wrap so it scrolls nicely Redmatrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); Redmatrix.setRotation(1); Greenmatrix.setTextSize(0); Greenmatrix.setTextWrap(false); // we dont want text to wrap so it scrolls nicely Greenmatrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); Greenmatrix.setRotation(1); DisplayScore(); } void loop(void) {</p><p> ReadbuttonReset (); ReadbuttonCorrect (); ReadbuttonWrong (); int numberpulses; if (ReadytoPlay ==1) { numberpulses = listenForIR(); }</p><p> if (numberpulses == 10) { if (IRcompare(numberpulses, DUOPOPsignalRed)) { Serial.println("RED Buzzed In"); ReadytoPlay =0; BuzzedIn =1; //red tone(speakerPin, 311); Redmatrix.clear(); Redmatrix.setCursor(2,1); Redmatrix.print("**"); Redmatrix.writeDisplay(); delay(50); noTone(speakerPin); } if (IRcompare(numberpulses, DUOPOPsignalBlue)) { Serial.println("BLUE Buzzed In"); ReadytoPlay =0; BuzzedIn =2; //blue tone(speakerPin, 311); Bluematrix.clear(); Bluematrix.setCursor(3,1); Bluematrix.print("**"); Bluematrix.writeDisplay(); delay(50); noTone(speakerPin); } if (IRcompare(numberpulses, DUOPOPsignalYellow)) { Serial.println("Yellow Buzzed In"); ReadytoPlay =0; BuzzedIn =3; //Yellow tone(speakerPin, 311); Yellowmatrix.clear(); Yellowmatrix.setCursor(2,1); Yellowmatrix.print("**"); Yellowmatrix.writeDisplay(); delay(50); noTone(speakerPin); } if (IRcompare(numberpulses, DUOPOPsignalGreen)) { Serial.println("Green Buzzed In"); ReadytoPlay =0; BuzzedIn =4; //Green tone(speakerPin, 311); Greenmatrix.clear(); Greenmatrix.setCursor(2,1); Greenmatrix.print("**"); Greenmatrix.writeDisplay(); delay(50); noTone(speakerPin); } } } void PlayCorrect () { for (int i = 0; i < numTones; i++) { tone(speakerPin, tones[i]); delay(70); } noTone(speakerPin); } void PlayWrong () { for (int i = 11; i > 0; i--) { tone(speakerPin, tones[i]); delay(70); } noTone(speakerPin); } void BuzzersReady () { Serial.println("Get your buzzers ready"); for (int8_t x=7; x>=-46; x--) { Redmatrix.clear(); Redmatrix.setCursor(x,0); Redmatrix.print("Get Ready"); Redmatrix.writeDisplay(); Bluematrix.clear(); Bluematrix.setCursor(x,0); Bluematrix.print("Get Ready"); Bluematrix.writeDisplay(); Greenmatrix.clear(); Greenmatrix.setCursor(x,0); Greenmatrix.print("Get Ready"); Greenmatrix.writeDisplay(); Yellowmatrix.clear(); Yellowmatrix.setCursor(x,0); Yellowmatrix.print("Get Ready"); Yellowmatrix.writeDisplay(); delay(40); } BuzzedIn =0; DisplayScore (); ReadytoPlay =1;//system will be unresponsive until this comes back to 0 } void ReadbuttonReset() { //read the pushbutton input pin: buttonResetState = digitalRead(buttonReset); // compare the buttonState to its previous state for on button if (buttonResetState != lastbuttonResetState) { if (buttonResetState == LOW) { // if the current state is LOW then the button wend from off to on and the button was pressed: BuzzersReady(); } lastbuttonResetState = buttonResetState; } }</p><p>void ReadbuttonCorrect() { // read the pushbutton input pin: buttonCorrectState = digitalRead(buttonCorrect); // compare the buttonState to its previous state for on button if (buttonCorrectState != lastbuttonCorrectState) { if (buttonCorrectState == LOW) { //whoever has buzzed in should get some points. PlayCorrect (); switch (BuzzedIn) { case 1: //red RedNumberCorrect = RedNumberCorrect+1 ; break; case 2: //blue BlueNumberCorrect = BlueNumberCorrect+1 ; break; case 3: //yellow YellowNumberCorrect = YellowNumberCorrect+1 ; break; case 4: //green GreenNumberCorrect = GreenNumberCorrect+1 ; break; } BuzzersReady (); } } lastbuttonCorrectState = buttonCorrectState; }</p><p>void ReadbuttonWrong() { // read the pushbutton input pin: buttonWrongState = digitalRead(buttonWrong); // compare the buttonState to its previous state for on button if (buttonWrongState != lastbuttonWrongState) { if (buttonWrongState == LOW) { // if the current state is LOW then the button wend from off to on and the button was pressed: PlayWrong (); switch (BuzzedIn) { case 1: //red RedNumberCorrect = RedNumberCorrect-2; break; case 2: //blue BlueNumberCorrect = BlueNumberCorrect-2; break; case 3: //yellow YellowNumberCorrect = YellowNumberCorrect-2 ; break; case 4: //green GreenNumberCorrect = GreenNumberCorrect-2 ; break; } BuzzersReady (); } } lastbuttonWrongState = buttonWrongState; }</p><p>void DisplayScore() { Bluematrix.clear(); Redmatrix.clear(); Greenmatrix.clear(); Yellowmatrix.clear(); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("Score so far"); Serial.print("Red Team:" ); Serial.println(RedNumberCorrect); Serial.print("Blue Team:" ); Serial.println(BlueNumberCorrect); Serial.print("Yellow Team:" ); Serial.println(YellowNumberCorrect); Serial.print("Green Team:" ); Serial.println(GreenNumberCorrect); </p><p> if (RedNumberCorrect <= 9 && RedNumberCorrect >=0) { Redmatrix.setCursor(11,1); } if (RedNumberCorrect <0 && RedNumberCorrect >= -9) { Redmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (RedNumberCorrect >= 10) { Redmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (RedNumberCorrect <= -10) { Redmatrix.setCursor(-1,1); } Redmatrix.print(RedNumberCorrect); Redmatrix.writeDisplay(); if (BlueNumberCorrect <= 9 && BlueNumberCorrect >=0) { Bluematrix.setCursor(11,1); } if (BlueNumberCorrect <0 && BlueNumberCorrect >= -9) { Bluematrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (BlueNumberCorrect >= 10) { Bluematrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (BlueNumberCorrect <= -10) { Bluematrix.setCursor(-1,1); } Bluematrix.print(BlueNumberCorrect); Bluematrix.writeDisplay(); if (YellowNumberCorrect <= 9 && YellowNumberCorrect >=0) { Yellowmatrix.setCursor(11,1); } if (YellowNumberCorrect <0 && YellowNumberCorrect >= -9) { Yellowmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (YellowNumberCorrect >= 10) { Yellowmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (YellowNumberCorrect <= -10) { Yellowmatrix.setCursor(-1,1); } Yellowmatrix.print(YellowNumberCorrect); Yellowmatrix.writeDisplay(); if (GreenNumberCorrect <= 9 && GreenNumberCorrect >=0) { Greenmatrix.setCursor(11,1); } if (GreenNumberCorrect <0 && GreenNumberCorrect >= -9) { Greenmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (GreenNumberCorrect >= 10) { Greenmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (GreenNumberCorrect <= -10) { Greenmatrix.setCursor(-1,1); } Greenmatrix.print(GreenNumberCorrect); Greenmatrix.writeDisplay(); }</p><p>int listenForIR(void) { currentpulse = 0; while (1) { uint16_t highpulse, lowpulse; // temporary storage timing highpulse = lowpulse = 0; // start out with no pulse length // while (digitalRead(IRpin)) { // this is too slow! // while (IRpin_PIN & (1 << IRpin)) { while (IRpin_PIN & _BV(IRpin)) { // pin is still HIGH // count off another few microseconds highpulse++; delayMicroseconds(RESOLUTION); // If the pulse is too long, we 'timed out' - either nothing // was received or the code is finished, so print what // we've grabbed so far, and then reset if (((highpulse >= MAXPULSE) && (currentpulse != 0)) || (currentpulse == 10)) { return currentpulse; } } // we didn't time out so lets stash the reading pulses[currentpulse][0] = highpulse; // same as above while (! (IRpin_PIN & _BV(IRpin))) { // pin is still LOW lowpulse++; delayMicroseconds(RESOLUTION); if (((lowpulse >= MAXPULSE) && (currentpulse != 0)) || (currentpulse == 10)) { return currentpulse; } } pulses[currentpulse][1] = lowpulse; // we read one high-low pulse successfully, continue! currentpulse++; } } boolean IRcompare(int numpulses, int Signal[]) { for (int i=0; i< numpulses-1; i++) { int oncode = pulses[i][1] * RESOLUTION / 10; int offcode = pulses[i+1][0] * RESOLUTION / 10; // Serial.print(oncode); // the ON signal we heard // Serial.print(" - "); // Serial.print(Signal[i*2 + 0]); // the ON signal we want // check to make sure the error is less than FUZZINESS percent if ( abs(oncode - Signal[i*2 + 0]) <= (Signal[i*2 + 0] * FUZZINESS / 100)) { // Serial.print(" (ok)"); } else { // Serial.print(" (x)"); // we didn't match perfectly, return a false match return false; } // Serial.print(" \t"); // tab // Serial.print(offcode); // the OFF signal we heard // Serial.print(" - "); // Serial.print(Signal[i*2 + 1]); // the OFF signal we want if ( abs(offcode - Signal[i*2 + 1]) <= (Signal[i*2 + 1] * FUZZINESS / 100)) { // Serial.print(" (ok)"); } else { // Serial.print(" (x)"); // we didn't match perfectly, return a false match return false; } // Serial.println(); } // Everything matched! return true; }
Step 4: Go Crazy and Build a Monster Version (NOT RECOMMENDED)
So, there were some problems with this controller. First, is that in rooms with fluorescent lights, the IR controllers had to be withing 10 feet of the receiver. (The lights flicker and interfere with the reception). So I went all mad scientist and created a wired version of the controller. To be frank, I went a bit overboard. It works fine but is not easy to maintain, etc. I am posting the code below for any other mad scientists out there who want to try something similar, but I'd not recommend this.
#include #include #include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h" //for matrix Adafruit_8x16matrix Redmatrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix(); Adafruit_8x16matrix Bluematrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix(); Adafruit_8x16matrix Greenmatrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix(); Adafruit_8x16matrix Yellowmatrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix(); Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(4, 7, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); const int buttonRED = 10; const int buttonBLUE = 11; const int buttonGREEN = 9; const int buttonYELLOW =8; const int Blue_Light = A1; const int Red_Light = A2; const int Green_Light = A4; const int Yellow_Light = A3; int buttonREDState; int buttonBLUEState; int buttonGREENState; int buttonYELLOWState; int lastbuttonREDState; int lastbuttonBLUEState; int lastbuttonGREENState; int lastbuttonYELLOWState; int BuzzedIn =0; //this will track who buzzed in int RedNumberCorrect =0; int GreenNumberCorrect =0; int BlueNumberCorrect =0; int YellowNumberCorrect =0; bool ReadytoPlay = 0; //if this is 1 then we will look at buzzer. otherwise we will not void setup(void) { pinMode(buttonRED, INPUT); digitalWrite(buttonRED, HIGH); pinMode(buttonBLUE, INPUT); digitalWrite(buttonBLUE, HIGH); pinMode(buttonGREEN, INPUT); digitalWrite(buttonGREEN, HIGH); pinMode(buttonYELLOW, INPUT); digitalWrite(buttonYELLOW, HIGH); pinMode(Red_Light, OUTPUT); pinMode(Blue_Light, OUTPUT); pinMode(Green_Light, OUTPUT); pinMode(Yellow_Light, OUTPUT); pinMode (A0, INPUT_PULLUP); strip.begin();; // Initialize all pixels to 'off' Serial.begin(9600); //get the display's setup. Redmatrix.begin(0x70); // pass the address Bluematrix.begin(0x71); // pass the address Greenmatrix.begin(0x72); // pass the address Yellowmatrix.begin(0x74); // pass the address Yellowmatrix.setTextSize (0); Yellowmatrix.setTextWrap(false); // we dont want text to wrap so it scrolls nicely Yellowmatrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); Yellowmatrix.setRotation(1); Bluematrix.setTextSize(0); Bluematrix.setTextWrap(false); // we dont want text to wrap so it scrolls nicely Bluematrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); Bluematrix.setRotation(1); Redmatrix.setTextSize(0); Redmatrix.setTextWrap(false); // we dont want text to wrap so it scrolls nicely Redmatrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); Redmatrix.setRotation(1); Greenmatrix.setTextSize(0); Greenmatrix.setTextWrap(false); // we dont want text to wrap so it scrolls nicely Greenmatrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); Greenmatrix.setRotation(1); BuzzersReady(); } void loop(void) { if (ReadytoPlay ==1) { ReadREDbutton(); delay (5); } if (ReadytoPlay ==1) { ReadBLUEbutton(); delay (5); } if (ReadytoPlay ==1) { ReadGREENbutton(); delay (5); } if (ReadytoPlay ==1) { ReadYELLOWbutton(); delay (5); } if (ReadytoPlay ==0) { Read_Instructor_Buttons(); delay (5); } } void ReadREDbutton() { buttonREDState = digitalRead(buttonRED); if (buttonREDState != lastbuttonREDState) { if (buttonREDState == LOW) { Serial.println("RED Buzzed In"); Serial.println(buttonREDState); strip.setPixelColor(0, 0, 0, 0) ; // Yellow strip.setPixelColor(1, 0, 0, 0) ; //Blue strip.setPixelColor (2, 0, 255, 0) ; //Red strip.setPixelColor(3, 0, 0, 0) ; //Green; analogWrite(Red_Light, 255); ReadytoPlay =0; BuzzedIn =1; //red Redmatrix.clear(); Redmatrix.setCursor(2,1); Redmatrix.print("**"); Redmatrix.writeDisplay(); } lastbuttonREDState = buttonREDState; } } void ReadBLUEbutton() { buttonBLUEState = digitalRead(buttonBLUE); if (buttonBLUEState != lastbuttonBLUEState) { if (buttonBLUEState == LOW) { Serial.println("BLUE Buzzed In"); strip.setPixelColor(0, 0, 0, 0) ; // Yellow strip.setPixelColor(1, 0, 0, 255) ; //Blue strip.setPixelColor (2, 0, 0, 0) ; //Red strip.setPixelColor(3, 0, 0, 0) ; //Green; analogWrite(Blue_Light, 255); ReadytoPlay =0; BuzzedIn =2; //blue Bluematrix.clear(); Bluematrix.setCursor(3,1); Bluematrix.print("**"); Bluematrix.writeDisplay(); } lastbuttonBLUEState = buttonBLUEState; } } void ReadGREENbutton() { buttonGREENState = digitalRead(buttonGREEN); if (buttonGREENState != lastbuttonGREENState) { if (buttonGREENState == LOW) { Serial.println("Green Buzzed In"); strip.setPixelColor(0, 0, 0, 0) ; // Yellow strip.setPixelColor(1, 0, 0, 0) ; //Blue strip.setPixelColor (2, 0, 0, 0) ; //Red strip.setPixelColor(3, 255, 0, 0) ; //Green; analogWrite(Green_Light, 255); ReadytoPlay =0; BuzzedIn =4; //Green Greenmatrix.clear(); Greenmatrix.setCursor(2,1); Greenmatrix.print("**"); Greenmatrix.writeDisplay(); } lastbuttonGREENState = buttonGREENState; } } void ReadYELLOWbutton() { buttonYELLOWState = digitalRead(buttonYELLOW); if (buttonYELLOWState != lastbuttonYELLOWState) { if (buttonYELLOWState == LOW) { Serial.println("Yellow Buzzed In"); ReadytoPlay =0; strip.setPixelColor(0, 255, 255, 0) ; // Yellow strip.setPixelColor(1, 0, 0, 0) ; //Blue strip.setPixelColor (2, 0, 0, 0) ; //Red strip.setPixelColor(3, 0, 0, 0) ; //Green; analogWrite(Yellow_Light, 255); BuzzedIn =3; //Yellow Yellowmatrix.clear(); Yellowmatrix.setCursor(2,1); Yellowmatrix.print("**"); Yellowmatrix.writeDisplay(); } lastbuttonYELLOWState = buttonYELLOWState; } } void BuzzersReady () { Serial.println("Get your buzzers ready"); for (int8_t x=7; x>=-46; x--) { Redmatrix.clear(); Redmatrix.setCursor(x,0); Redmatrix.print("Get Ready"); Redmatrix.writeDisplay(); Bluematrix.clear(); Bluematrix.setCursor(x,0); Bluematrix.print("Get Ready"); Bluematrix.writeDisplay(); Greenmatrix.clear(); Greenmatrix.setCursor(x,0); Greenmatrix.print("Get Ready"); Greenmatrix.writeDisplay(); Yellowmatrix.clear(); Yellowmatrix.setCursor(x,0); Yellowmatrix.print("Get Ready"); Yellowmatrix.writeDisplay(); delay(40); strip.setPixelColor(0, 0, 0, 0) ; strip.setPixelColor(1, 0, 0, 0) ; strip.setPixelColor(2, 0, 0, 0) ; strip.setPixelColor(3, 0, 0, 0) ;; analogWrite(Red_Light, 0); analogWrite(Green_Light, 0); analogWrite(Blue_Light, 0); analogWrite(Yellow_Light, 0); } DisplayScore (); BuzzedIn =0; ReadytoPlay =1; } void Read_Instructor_Buttons() { int instr_buttons = 0; int b; instr_buttons = analogRead(A0); //Serial.print("analogRead = "); // Serial.println(instr_buttons); delay(100); if (instr_buttons <20 ) { ButtonCorrect(); } else if (instr_buttons > 60 && instr_buttons < 80) { ButtonReset(); } else if (instr_buttons > 110 && instr_buttons < 130) { ButtonWrong (); } } void ButtonReset() { Serial.println("RESET"); Serial.println(ReadytoPlay); BuzzersReady(); } void ButtonCorrect() { Serial.println("CORRECT"); Serial.println(ReadytoPlay); //whoever has buzzed in should get some points. switch (BuzzedIn) { case 1: //red RedNumberCorrect = RedNumberCorrect++ ; break; case 2: //blue BlueNumberCorrect = BlueNumberCorrect++ ; break; case 3: //yellow YellowNumberCorrect = YellowNumberCorrect++ ; break; case 4: //green GreenNumberCorrect = GreenNumberCorrect++ ; break; } BuzzersReady (); } void ButtonWrong() { Serial.println("WRONG"); Serial.println(ReadytoPlay); switch (BuzzedIn) { case 1: //red RedNumberCorrect = RedNumberCorrect-2; break; case 2: //blue BlueNumberCorrect = BlueNumberCorrect-2; break; case 3: //yellow YellowNumberCorrect = YellowNumberCorrect-2 ; break; case 4: //green GreenNumberCorrect = GreenNumberCorrect-2 ; break; } BuzzersReady (); } void DisplayScore() { Bluematrix.clear(); Redmatrix.clear(); Greenmatrix.clear(); Yellowmatrix.clear(); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("Score so far"); Serial.print("Red Team:" ); Serial.println(RedNumberCorrect); Serial.print("Blue Team:" ); Serial.println(BlueNumberCorrect); Serial.print("Yellow Team:" ); Serial.println(YellowNumberCorrect); Serial.print("Green Team:" ); Serial.println(GreenNumberCorrect); if (RedNumberCorrect <= 9 && RedNumberCorrect >=0) { Redmatrix.setCursor(11,1); } if (RedNumberCorrect <0 && RedNumberCorrect >= -9) { Redmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (RedNumberCorrect >= 10) { Redmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (RedNumberCorrect <= -10) { Redmatrix.setCursor(-1,1); } Redmatrix.print(RedNumberCorrect); Redmatrix.writeDisplay(); if (BlueNumberCorrect <= 9 && BlueNumberCorrect >=0) { Bluematrix.setCursor(11,1); } if (BlueNumberCorrect <0 && BlueNumberCorrect >= -9) { Bluematrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (BlueNumberCorrect >= 10) { Bluematrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (BlueNumberCorrect <= -10) { Bluematrix.setCursor(-1,1); } Bluematrix.print(BlueNumberCorrect); Bluematrix.writeDisplay(); if (YellowNumberCorrect <= 9 && YellowNumberCorrect >=0) { Yellowmatrix.setCursor(11,1); } if (YellowNumberCorrect <0 && YellowNumberCorrect >= -9) { Yellowmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (YellowNumberCorrect >= 10) { Yellowmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (YellowNumberCorrect <= -10) { Yellowmatrix.setCursor(-1,1); } Yellowmatrix.print(YellowNumberCorrect); Yellowmatrix.writeDisplay(); if (GreenNumberCorrect <= 9 && GreenNumberCorrect >=0) { Greenmatrix.setCursor(11,1); } if (GreenNumberCorrect <0 && GreenNumberCorrect >= -9) { Greenmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (GreenNumberCorrect >= 10) { Greenmatrix.setCursor(5,1); } if (GreenNumberCorrect <= -10) { Greenmatrix.setCursor(-1,1); } Greenmatrix.print(GreenNumberCorrect); Greenmatrix.writeDisplay(); }