Introduction: Getting Started With the Matsuura
Step 1: Safety
Our most important safety callouts are highlighted in yellow throughout this course.
Step 2: Allowed Materials for Matsuura CNC Mill
Allowed Materials
- Metal
- Plastic
Banned Materials
- Wood
- Carbon ber and composites
If at Pier 9, see Shop Staff first before using these materials:
- All other materials
If you are working from another studio or workshop, refer to the tool's instruction manual to see if your desired material is suitable for tool use.
Step 3: Control Panel and Display
You run the mill with the controller.
- USB insert
- Reset button
- Job Select key switch
- Power On & Power Off buttons
- E-stop
- Touch screen display
- Keyboard
- Control panel keys
- Edit key switch
- Feed Hold & Cycle Start
- Light switch
The mill uses a touch screen that changes based on the category you’ve selected.
- Status bar
- Displays alarms, lights, and overdue maintenance items.
- Category display area
- The three categories are Running, Setup, and Maintenance.
- Sub-category icons
- The icons that appear under each category are sub-categories.
- Example: Program Manager is a sub- category of Running.
- Category commands
- Sub-category commands
- Main screen
Step 4: Control Panel and Keys
The control panel for the mill is laid out in groups of keys that have related functions.
- E-stop
- Power On and Power Off
- Coolant on/off
- Door unlock
- Tool clamp/unclamp
- Jog Increments
- Jog handle
- Function key switch
- Mode buttons
- Axis selector
- Rapid & Feed Rate Override Dials 12. Feed Hold & Cycle Start
The Function key switch is a safety measure.
- Select Set Up when changing tools or jogging.
- Select Auto when pressing Cycle Start to execute MDI commands or starting a program.
Step 5: Machine Specifiactions
The Matsuura MX-330 CNC mill is a large, powerful mill with the following specifications:
- Five axes (X, Y, Z, A, and C)
- 20,000 RPM maximum spindle speed
- High pressure through-spindle coolant
- Traverse (rapid relocation) speed up to 1,570 inches per minute
- On Pier 9 you must not use higher than 10% rapid for an unproven program so you have time to react if something goes wrong.
- A reduced rapid speed will not change the cutting speed.
- Maximum work envelope of 13” diameter by 10” tall
- Tool carousel can hold up to 60 tools
Step 6: Required for Use
Before you start your work, make sure you have the following materials:
- An .nc file from CAMplete with no simulation errors
- A thumb drive or Filezilla Client software to load the .nc file onto the mill
- A copy of this Quick Start Guide
Step 7: Steps for Successful Use
To make a part, you need to complete each step in order.
- Verify file in CAMplete.
- Start up the mill.
- Load stock.
- Check Work Coordinate System.
- Set the Tool Length Offsets.
- Load the program.
- Run the program.
- Clean up.