Introduction: Glassbottle Paper Lamp
Hello there welcome to my new instructable to create a glassbottle
dreamers lamp made mostly out of glass and crepe paper.
For this instructable I really recommend you use a bottlecutter jig,
bought or selfmade to get the best results.
I have made mine using sbans instructable which I tweaked a bit,
check his instructable out with the link down below and lets begin...
- 1 straight glassbottle, abt. 7,5cm Ø. ( or more for practice)
- 1 Bottlecutter jig, bought or selfmade.
- 1 Pair of kitchengloves (protection).
- White crepe paper, folia paper Bringmann.
- Paperglue.
- 1 paint brush.
- Waterproof sandingpaper (80 grain, 240 grain, 600 grain), Ayce.
- 2 MDF disks, about 8mm thick, 13cm Ø.
- 1 Rasp.
- Wood sandingpaper, (120 grain, 180 grain)
- 1 bottle of Gilding paste, Pebeo.
- 1 packet of Gold tinted copper leaves, Pebeo.
- 1 fine brush.
- Woodglue.
- 1 LED spot, Osram DO-IT.
Step 1: Score Your Bottle
- For this project I have used a straight glasbottle. In order to
separate the bottle you are going to HAVE to score it.
- Use a bottlecutter jig, bought or selfmade to get a clean
- Adjust the base of the bottlecutter jig to the desired height
and adjust the glasscutters steel nibblers to score the bottle.
- Carefully turn the bottle to score, you have to hear a KRRR KRRR
sound for proper scoring. You want to be able to see the scored line.
Step 2: Separate the Bottle
I used the hot and cold water method to separate the glassbottle.
- Place two tesa strips lightly above and beyond the scored line to
be able to see where you pour the water.
- Heat up the water and alternate between hot and cold water poured
on the scored line
- When you hear a TING TING sound it means the glassbottle is separating
so dont stop until fully cut.
I advise you to use kitchen gloves ot other kind of protection.
Step 3: Sanding the Edges
When you managed to separate the bottle take the part with
the bottleneck and sand the edges.
- Use waterproof sandingpaper, begin with 80grain to
240grain and finish with 600grain paper to get a smooth
Step 4:
- Cut the white crepe paper into small strips.
- Take a piece of paper and put on paperglue on
one surface.
- Scrunch up the paper and put it on the bottles surface,
it may need more glue to stick.
Repeat until all is covered.
Step 5: Prepare the Base
For this step I have used a lasercutter to cut the 8mm thick MDF.
- 2 disks, 13cm Ø wide with a 7cm Ø hole, glue both together.
- Smooth the outer line with a rasp and woodsanding paper, 80 grain
to 180 grain.
- Use gilding paste, gold copper tinted leaves and a fine brush to cover the
surface of your base.
- Put in your battery-based LED spot and place the decorated glassbottle
on top.
Step 6: Sit Back and Admire
You can now sit back and enjoy the dreamers bottle
soothing light. I advise you use a battery based led spot
to avoid it heating up.
How about making a whole collection? Can not wait
you guys to try it !!!