Introduction: Glow in the Dark Ring - Made From Rusty Skateboard Bearing

This is a Glow in the dark ring I made from a ball bearing. And after spending two weeks making this I am showing you how to in this video. Please vote for this and enjoy!

In this we will first need a skateboard bearing size 608. You can Get these on amazon for various prices or on eBay . And yo will first need to take out the cage with is the plastic....thingy. And some bearings may come with a metal one thats got little flaps the hold on to the other side, but if you got one that is bolted....Sucks to be you because you didn't pay much attention to what you were buying. But back to the Instructable, you then pull that cage out and guide all of the balls to the bottom of the bearing and push out the inner ring. And make sure you do this above a plate or whatever you have because it will explode everywhere. Now all you need is the outer ring.

Step 1: Grind It Down!

Next get a Dremel and use a coarse grinding bit I had an orange one but it was too hot outside and it was in a box of crap so it just heated up the bar and bent so I am using a different bit. You just need to Grind out the inside then sand it with SUPER coarse sandpaper so it will be harder for it to rust.

Step 2: Holes....Holes Everywhere.

Next get a bit that is really coarse and skinny and grind straight into it to make a pit. And if you want it all around the ring then you can do that but I can't use too much of my moms super glue.

Step 3: Gluing It.

We are now moving into the gluing process. First you need to sand down some glow in the dark plastic and then use the powder and put it in the hole and then put some wood glue on top and cover the top. I also found that putty and paint work the best. I used my moms gorilla super glue that is super tough enough that I had to scrape away the glue later and it was a pain. then I sanded it down a second time with the lathe\cork and use 400 to 2000 grit with leather and then

Next is Polishing it, I found a giant cork and a Dremel drill bit and I hand screwed it in instead of using the Dremel because drilling it in with a power tool will put a hole in it but what I want is for it to stick. And then attach this to the Dremel and shave the cork down to the right diameter and grab 400 grit and all the way up to 2000 grit. Lastly I used Leather on the soft side because it is super soft and acts like a buffer.

Step 4: Polishing

Next is Polishing it, I found a giant cork and a Dremel drill bit and I hand screwed it in instead of using the Dremel because drilling it in with a power tool will put a hole in it but what I want is for it to stick. And then attach this to the Dremel and shave the cork down to the right diameter and grab 400 grit and all the way up to 2000 grit. Lastly I used Leather on the soft side because it is super soft and acts like a buffer. And now you have done it! you finished the ring!!!! Enjoy it and how much hard work it was and please vote for this! Thank you!!