Introduction: Gluten Free Honey Bread

About: I’m a mother of 2 young boys and I love to bake and make things.

I will be walking you through how to make gluten free honey bread.

Gluten free=gf I will be using gf from now on.


you will need gluten free flour, eggs, butter, yeast, milk, baking powder, and salt.

Step 1: Step by Step Video of Making the Bread

Step 2: Getting Your Stuff

get your gf flour, eggs, butter, yeast, milk, baking powder, and salt.

300g milk (1 1/4 cup)

2 1/4 teaspoon yeast

500g of gf 1 to 1 flour (1 3/4 + 1/3 cup) pour the flour into the measuring cup for better measurement.

3 eggs

2 tablespoons melted butter

2 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/8 salt

splash of honey

Step 3: Mixing Your Dry Ingredients

put together your dry ingredients (if using active dry yeast leave out and put with warm milk. (I don't use this way because of the yeast I use.)

Step 4: Mixing the Wet Ingredients

for the wet ingredients you will need to warm up your milk. (after milk is warm now is the time to put in the yeast if you are using active dry yeast and wait for 5 minutes.) also melt your butter. after the yeast is activated you can go ahead and put the eggs and butter in with the milk. (I whisk the mixture to scramble the eggs, you still do this if you use active yeast.)

Step 5: Putting the Wet Into the Dry

now is the time to slowly pour the wet into the dry while stiring. it will become a cake batter consistency. now is the time to add the honey if you want honey bread. (also if you wish to add anything else this is the time to do so. cinniamon rasin, apple cinniamon, and so on and so on.)

if you do put something else in please let me know how it turned out.

Step 6: Preping Your Bread Pan

preping your bread pan is key when getting a loaf of home made bread. i using cooking spray. MAKE SURE YOU GET IT WELL SPRAYED. I cant say this enough.

Step 7: Putting Batter in Bread Pan

now is the time to pour that batter in to the pan and cover to rise. this takes about an hour or until it doubled in size.

Step 8: Start Oven

with about 20 minutes or so left start the oven. I use propane and it takes a little longer to heat up.

Step 9: Put Bread in Oven

once you have the oven heated and the bread is done rising you can now put it in the oven for about an hour or until golden brown.

Step 10: Take Out of Oven

now is the time to take out the bread. I know it is tempting to get that out of the pan now but waiting for about 5 minutes before will make it easier to get out.

Step 11: Taking Bread Out of the Pan

run a knife or sharp anything around the edges, now is the time to filp the pan upside down to get the bread out. now you can start cutting the bread and have a slice. (that is if you cant wait or just want that warm piece of bread and cant wait for a little bit.)

Step 12: Cutting the Bread

now is the time you can cut the bread and have a nice warm slice of bread.

Step 13: Enjoy

now that you put the hard work of baking bread you can enjoy a slice. this bread does well in the freezer as well.