Introduction: Christmas Tree From a Magazine

About: So, hi, I'm Keith-Kid. Who the hell are you? I am one of the regulars here at instructables. I am a tried-and-true jack of no trades with absolutely no experience in any category. Still, I'm fun. My Top Ten: …
A simple Christmas tree made from 2 magazines.

Makes for a neat decoration, or even a centerpiece (If you're the crafty type.....) and is tons of fun for kids!

If you've ever made a paper airplane, you can make this tree!

Step 1: What You'll Need

Basically what you need is two magazines. The small hard ones are the best. I haven't tried with bigger magazines because these ones are the only resistant ones.

You'll also need some glue or staples.

Step 2: First Fold

Take the corner flap of the page and fold it inside to form a triangle.

Sorry but I had to blur the pictures a bit to avoid any trouble

Step 3: Second Fold

Now take the flap and fold it inside again. See the pictures

Again, sorry for the blur.

Step 4: Lather, Rinse, REPEAT!

Repeat the afore mentioned with every page. To make it easier, don't fold the cover until you've folded at least 5 pages, that way you won't get mixed up.

Every now and then squeeze the pages together so they dont get in the way of folding the other pages

Step 5: Half-way There!

Congradulations! You've made.....half a tree. Hmn.. that dosen't look enough..what do you do?

Make another one!

To make this tree you will need to make two halves from two magazines.

Step 6: Finishing Up

Now that you've got two halves, glue them together or staple them. This is kinda tricky so I couldn't take a picture of me glueing the halves. When glueing the tops you should squeeze them for a while because they tend to unstick

There You Have a Tree!!!

You can use some construction paper of some sort or cylinder to hold the tree up.

You can make other things to make it look good. You could try painting it, adding LED's, use your imagination.

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!