HOW TO DO a Winter Mimi Cuff

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Intro: HOW TO DO a Winter Mimi Cuff

Autumn has come, to make a beautiful sleeves not only prevent dust but also nice. The practice was not difficult, cause it is not told you to make a white bridesmaid dress, just a joke, come on and  let's try to do it.

STEP 1: Folded the Cloth, Cut Into Two Pieces.

STEP 2: Lace in the Middle Location. Because Cuff Don't Need That Big, So Cut Off Extra Place for Lace.

STEP 3: Seaming Lace on the Top of Sleeve, Pressure From 1cm the Side of the Line. the Other One Doing the Same

STEP 4: On the Other Side Will Fine Elastic Sleeve Top, Using Z - Stitch to the Car Wii Be More Beautiful.

STEP 5: SEW the Side and Flipped Over.

STEP 6: Fold the Cuff With 1.5cm, Sew Round, Leaving 2cm Mouth Sewn, Wearing Band for the Elastic On, Tie a Knot, Suture Hole.

STEP 7: A Cuff Is Done, Beautiful Wear on Children .