Introduction: Halloween Mason Jar Decoration

I made a Halloween decoration using a laser-etched mason jar.


Mason Jar, Cotton Balls, Decorative Pebbles, Tissue Paper, Stick, CNC Engraver

Step 1: Laser-Etched Design

Use a mason jar that has flat edges with no designs on it. Create a design using a software compatible with a laser etcher (I used Inkscape). Make sure the size of the design matches with the dimensions of your mason jar. Put the jar in the etching machine and let it engrave your design in it.

Step 2: Fill Jar With Pebbles

Fill the jar with pebbles for a base. I used a mixture of orange, red, and yellow to because they look like fallen leaves.

Step 3: Put a Twig in the Pebbles

Put a twig of some sort in the jar. Use hot glue to glue the stick to the bottom of the jar.

Step 4: Spider Webs

Stretch out cotton balls to make them look like spider webs and place them on the stick.

Step 5: Candle

I added some light to my project, so I used a plastic tea candle. I placed it underneath the tree to light up the spiderwebs in the dark.

Step 6: Finished Product

After completing these steps, your final product should look like this.