Introduction: HiTec Servo Hack

About: Designer & digital artist
This is a quick and easy walkthrough on how to modify a HiTec Servo and make it a normal dc motor with gears.

To see how you can control your motors with the Arduino visit this instructable:

Step 1:

1. Say hello to your servo, and say goodbye as well because what we are going to do here is irreversible.

We will hack essencial parts of the servo and it won�t be a servo anymore, it will be a powerfull dc motor with gears.

Step 2:

2. This are the tools we need, I think I don't need to describe them :)

Step 3:

3. Ok let's begin.

Start by removing the screw on the top.

Step 4:

4. Remove the four little screws on the back of the case.

Step 5:

5. Open the case.

Step 6:

6. And remove the top carefully.

Step 7:

7. We can see the gears inside the case. We only need to remove the first two gears, no need to remove the others.
Be careful enough and avoid contaminate the grease that surrounds the gears.

Step 8:

8. Remove the black and white gears.

Step 9:

9. Now it's time to remove the circuit on the bottom of the case, see the next foto.

Step 10:

10. Use the soldering iron and gently remove the circuit.

Step 11:

11. You can see now the dc motor.

Step 12:

12. Cut the wires that connect the potenciometer to the circuit.

Step 13:

13. Now remove the little screw inside the case.

Step 14:

14. Press the potenciometer thingey to remove it.

Step 15:

15. Parts we don't need anymore.. I wasn't carefull enough and broke the circuit.. no problem, we won't need it anymore, at least I don't know what I can do with it... :)

Step 16:

16. Now grab two wires with +- 15 cm, depends on your needs.

Step 17:

17. Grab your soldering iron and solder the wires to the motor pins. Note the red mark on the motor.

Step 18:

18. Now we are going to remove the thingey that tells to the servo to spin only 180º.

Step 19:

19. Remove the white ring.

Step 20:

20. Make an horizontal cut.

Step 21:

21. Then make a vertical cut.

Step 22:

22. The thingey is removed.

Step 23:

23. Remove any imperfections you see.

Step 24:

24. Put the white ring back.

Step 25:

25. Ok, now we can put our gears back.

Step 26:

26. Like this.

Step 27:

27. Time to close the case.

Step 28:

28. Before closing the bottom, perform a knot on the wires, and adjust them to the border of the case. This will protect the solder business we've done before.

Step 29:

29. Close the bottom part, and put the screws back.

Step 30:

30. Say hello to your brand new DC Motor.

Step 31:

31. You can use the wires and connector to be an extension to another 'real' servo, or for sensors, or for anything else.

You can use the potenciometer as well for some future project, maybe to control the motor speed?