Introduction: How to Make a Hermit Crab Habitat

About: I like to make stuff, and I enjoy hermit crabs!
Hermit Crabs are very cool, and social creatures. In order for them to survive, you have to really simulate their "Natural Habitat."

Step 1: Simple Supplies

Some basic supplies you will need is:
bedding: play sand, Eco earth, Jungle Bedding
Salt Water: Oceanic sea salt mix, Distilled or spring water
Fresh water: bottled spring water, or distilled water
Bowls:You will need three bowls; One for fresh water, one for salt water, and one for food
Heat Source: Light, Under Tank heater
Hiding spot: coconut hut, driftwood pine and ceder is poisonous to hermit crabs!
Humidity: humidifier, or mister
Tank: Ten gallon glass aquarium MINIMUM

Step 2: Laying Down Substrate

Let's start by putting down substrate. Here is a good list of substrates.
Jungle Bedding (pet stores)
Hermit Soil (Pet stores)
Play sand (Home Depot.) (This is used in childrens' sand boxes. It's found on the beach.)

Bad Substrates.
Calci sand
wood bark (Usually Pine or cedar, which is poisonous to hermit crabs.)

Play Sand, and Jungle Bedding are BEST SUBSTRATES!!!
*** REMEMBER: Your substrate MUST be atleast 3 times deeper than your largest crab.***
This is because they have to go through a process called "Molting". Thats when your crab will bury under ground to shed his skin. You should give him some healthy foods, because this process can take MONTHS.

Step 3: Salt Water

Use "Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix" to create your salt water. DO NOT use table salt! it contains Idonide that can be harmful to hermit crabs. Also use bottled spring water, or distilled water because of the same reason. Tap water contains idonide and other chemicals.

Mix 1 1/2 tsp of sea salt with one cup (8 oz.) of water.
Mix 5 cups sea salt, with 1 gallon of water.

Step 4: Hermit Crab Diets

Hermit crabs eat a verity of foods! And it's good to vary between them!
Most fruits and veggies are safe, Only if they are organic and do not contain any spices or chemicals.

Here is a list of safe foods:
Organic popcorn

Safe Commercial Diets:
FMR Hermit Crab Treat
HBH Verity Bites
Hermit Crab Cookies

I would have the fruits and veggies as a main course, and commercial diets as sides.

Step 5: Finishing Up

Now just add freshwater, other climbing toys, and  hermit crabs! make sure when you buy your crabs, get one thats active and NOT in a painted shell! Painted shells can be toxic to hermit crabs, as the paint may contain led.