Introduction: How to Eat a Bag of Chips That May or May Not Be Yours
Today I will help you, not many people of our age know how to eat a bag of chips because of modern technology and I think that the original way to eat chips is the most important.
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies
You need...
-a bag of chips
-a yoga mat
-and a tipped over blue chair
-a bag of chips
-a yoga mat
-and a tipped over blue chair
Step 2: Lay Out Your Yoga Mat Then Lay on It
As you can, my yoga mat is also blue , along with my tipped over blue chair. Make sure they match, they told me they like to be matching.
Step 3: Eat the Chip
Eat the chip, it is salty and crunchy, if you don't like it or don't want to finish it , save it for later and grab a new one.
Step 4: Eat Another Chip
As you can sense, this chip taste a little different from the first, you continue this step until someone else wants some chips, I hope I helped you today, what if you didn't read this and went to a Mexican restaurant, you would be so embarrassed.