Introduction: How To: Really Cool Led Script for Arduino

About: I love working with electronics!!! I love working with electronics, laptops, and building things!!! I just started working with Arduino as of December 30, 2016

a kindof simple sketch I made fro leds with Arduino for s sick effect of the leds!

Step 1: Hardware Needed:

1) Arduino uno R3

2) 12 light emitting diodes [leds and you can use more than 12 or less than 12 if you want]

you should have an even distribution of the leds: in this case 3 red, 3 blue, 3 green, and 3 yellow leds.

3) [4] 220 ohm resisters {band sequence- red,red,black}

4) 9 bread board jumper wires

5) Solderless bread board

6) the sketh that I will provide for you

Step 2: Put Leds and Resistors Accordingly

follow the picture

You should use different color LED's to make it look cool

Step 3: The Code [sketch]

here is a download link for the code above.

I forgot to change the name from to cool led lol
