Introduction: How to 8x8 Matrix Led Light

About: Hi , I am a Maker-Space Educator .I love to design thing and make things using tools like electronics,papercraft,3d printing,etc.which are parts of makerspace.

To control an 8x8 LED matrix with an Arduino Uno, you can use the MAX7219 LED driver chip. The MAX7219 simplifies the process of controlling multiple LEDs, reducing the number of pins required from the Arduino. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started and all the Library and codes are given .


Arduino Uno

8x8 LED matrix

MAX7219 module

Jumper wires

Step 1: Wiring

Connect the MAX7219 to the Arduino Uno:


Pin Arduino Pin




CS D10


Connect the 8x8 LED matrix to the MAX7219 module:

The MAX7219 module should have a socket where the 8x8 LED matrix fits. Ensure the orientation matches the marking on both the LED matrix and the MAX7219 module.

Step 2: Adding Libraries

We'll use the LedControl library, which simplifies the communication with the MAX7219.

  1. Install the LedControl library:
  • Open the Arduino IDE.
  • Go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...
  • In the Library Manager, search for "LedControl" and install it.

Step 3: Arduino Coding

Sample Arduino Code is Given Below .

Please upload the code and edit as per your requirement