Introduction: How to Construct Parallel Lines
A step by step instructable on how to construct 2 parallel lines
Step 1:
Create a straight line using a straightedge and label one point A and one point B
Step 2:
Plot a point above the straight angle and label it C
Step 3:
Using a straightedge, draw a straight line from point A to point C
Step 4:
Draw an arch between line AC and line AB with thepoint of the compass on point A
Step 5:
Copy the same arch, starting with the point of your compass at point C
Step 6:
Measure the first arch, where it passes through each line with your compass
Step 7:
Now, using the compass make the distance of point ones arch at point 2
Step 8:
Lastly, draw a line through point C, and where the second arch and dash intersect