Introduction: How to Cut (and Remove the Seeds From) a Watermelon for a Salad

About: In a valiant attempt to keep myself from dying of boredom, I create.

Forty one year’s ago, the first summer after my marriage to my first Husband, I was informed that I was to “ALWAYS” have a watermelon in the fridge. I put a little tally sheet on the fridge to keep track of how many I bought that summer. The grand total was “31” watermelons. Many years later, a friend of mine showed me how she cut up a watermelon. I needed a way to cut up the melon easily and quickly, so that my children would eat the melon before it went bad (their Dad had died some years before or that would not have been a problem). Now when I get a watermelon, I just cut it up, put the pieces in a bowl, and everyone just eats the watermelon as they want. Before I know it, it’s gone. So here is how I cut up a Watermelon for an easy fresh salad.

Step 1:

A watermelon (your choice of size and type)
A large cookie sheet
A chef’s knife
A bowl to put the cut up pieces into

Step 2:

Use the Chef’s knife to cut the watermelon in half.  Place half of the watermelon, cut side down onto the cookie sheet.

Step 3:

Use the knife to cut away the rind.  Cut it all the way around.

Step 4:

Then cut off the last of the rind.

Step 5:

Next cut the meat of the melon into long slices.

Step 6:

Turn the pan 90° and cut the melon into long slices again.

Step 7:

For a watermelon with seeds follow steps 2-5. 

Step 8:

Take a slab of the melon and hand break it down the seed seams. 

Step 9:

Use the knife to scrape away the seeds.

Step 10:

Pick up each piece of melon and cut them into chunks, into the bowl.   Repeat with the other half of the watermelon.

Step 11:

Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator to chill.  Now the watermelon is ready for snacking or for your next picnic.  Enjoy!