Introduction: How to Design a Rocket Using Software

In this instructable I will go over how to use matlab to design and build your own rocket . The software is pretty easy to use, and making your own model rocket is a fun way to spend your time this summer. I used the software and my 3d printer to make my rocket and in a few steps you can make yours as well.


set 1:


2- plastic water bottle

3- A4 paper

4- air pump

set 2:

1- 3d printer

2-ABS or PLA

3- Estes rocket engines

Step 1: Design

The first step is designing your rocket. The most important factor to consider in designing a model rocket is the stability of the rocket, the stability of the rocket depends mainly on the position of the Center of gravity and the Center of pressure. To design a stable rocket you want the position of the center of gravity to be above the center of pressure.

The doc file attached here has the matlab code, copy the code and paste it in matlab. The program will ask you to input a rocket length that is how tall you want your rocket to be the maximum height the program can accept is 1000 mm =100 cm. in The next step you need to choose the type of engine you are going to use, there is also the option of air or water rockets as well. After selecting your engine type hold control key on the keyboard and select the material you want to use to build your rocket, this can be PLA or ABS if you are using a 3d printer or it can be plastic bottles and cardboard as well, if you are using water bottles make sure to input an appropriate rocket length.

the hard part is now done all you need to do is relax and let the program do its work, the program will output the dimensions you need to build your rocket, it will also preview a cool animation of the rocket launching.

Step 2: Build

Now we move on to the fun part where you get to build the rocket, depending in your choices in step 1 and the dimensions generated by the program, you are either going to use a 3d printer to build your rocket or you are going to use water bottles to make your rocket.

For the 3d printer you can use solidworks to model the rocket so you can print it. the rocket consists of three parts a cylinder which is the main body, a nose cone and fins. The program will give you the dimensions of each part and the shape as well, so modeling it should be simple.

As for the water bottle rocket , obviously you need a water bottle in addition to the water bottle, you will need a paper which you can fold into a cone and finally you can cut out the shape of the fins out of cardboard and glue all the parts together and voila you have a simple easy rocket in less than 5 minutes. dont forget to poke a hole in the water bottle cap that's where the air pump goes so you can launch it, you can either fill the water bottle with water or leave it empty.

Step 3: Launch

Finally we reach the best part about building a rocket model, Flying it!!

Now you get to see your hard work paid off. Go out have fun and enjoy flying your rocket but make sure to stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.