Introduction: How to Get Cheap Motors
Bring a kid that can't have a job or just not having a lot of money is hard so I am always looking to save money. I like going to the arc or goodwill to save money.
Step 1: Shopping
Whenever I go to a second hand store I always look for things like 99 cent cassette player or the cheap VCR rewinders or even for a little more money dvd or cd players.
Step 2: Tearing It Apart
There are many useful things in all the items listed previously. The things I have found are: motors, gears, wires, circuit boards, LCDs, LEDs, and switches.
Step 3: Shopping Again
You can also find many rc cars although a lot of times they do not have their remotes. But they can still be very useful.
Step 4: Tearing It Apart Again
When you get into the car their are usually many useful things. Although on occasion somebody has already taken parts from it. The things I have found are: gearboxes, wheels, motors, circuit boards, wires, and gears.
Step 5: Be Creative
There are many other things you could salvage parts from. I've gotten fans, a walking toy dinosaur, and a walking dog.