Introduction: How to Look Like Chewbacca

About: I body paint

This was a super fun painting! Be sure to tell me what you think, and please subscribe to me youtube page! Thanks!

Step 1: Base

Sketch out the mouth with a white eyeliner, fill in the eyes with black body paint, fill in your face with brown body paint, then fill in your nose with black body paint.

Step 2: Fur

Using a detailed brush I got some tighter spots, flicking the brush up and out. I then used a big flat brush that I cut up a little and a lot of different shades of brown I then drug it all over my face. Be sure to make the fur go the right way.

Step 3: Black Detail

Using matte black eye shadow I deepened up my eyes, then added a 'smile' line.

Step 4: Mouth.

Using a peach color body paint I filled in my gums and tongue.

Step 5: More Mouth.

Using white I filled in my teeth and using black I just filled in the rest. I also used a detail bush with black to outline each tooth.

Step 6: Sahdow

Using black I shadowed the gums and teeth. Then using red and black I shadowed the tongue.

Step 7: Body

Using the white eyeliner I sketched out the belt then I filled in my body the same way I did my face.

Step 8: Detail

Using black I filled in the belt, then I used gray to fill in the squares

Step 9: More Detail

I outlined the gray, then shadowed around the whole thing with eye shadow, then put white body paint on the black belt and spread it with my fingers.

Step 10: EVEN More Detail

I decided to make the gray silver then I used a white eyeliner to make dots and a black eyeliner to do strips.