Introduction: How to Make Mini Room Heater at Home With Simple Materials
Hey there in this project I will show you guys How to Make a Mini Room Heater With Simple Materials at your home.
It is so cold at my place and if i want to stay warm always i need to wear a sweater but nobody likes to wear those on our body, I made a mini heater that gives out pretty decent hot air and the best part is this runs on a battery that means it is portable and you can have hot air anywhere if you carry this around.
The working principle is very simple here, we are using dual nichrome wire coils to heat the air, and to blow this air we are using DC Fan also known as PC fan, these fans are known to work around such conditions.
The fan also has a speed control unit by varying this one can increase or decrease the temperature of air.
With this being said we will now head over to building this project, i also have added a video tutorial of this project too make sure to check that out.
Soda can (I used mini tin)
Nichrome wire 15cm in length
Thick copper wire pieces
Grill(recycled from old mini speakers)
Small piece of MDF wood board
Hot glue and super glue
Lithium-ion batteries and holder
Elastic bands
Screw driver
Step 1: Preparing the Body
I found that the aluminum tin is a perfect part to hold the coil inside because of its heat conducting ability, So i will be using a mini tin after i drank the soda with some nuggets!
The Tin by itself is not fit for our project, So some minor modifications need to be made.
I will start by removing the bottom and then the top part lids of this soda can, Since most of them don't have tools to do this i will show you how i have done this in a very easy way, All you need is a hobby cutter and compass
I have marked the areas with compass and later punched small holes later these areas were cut with the cutter, make sure to seek adult supervision if you don't know how to cut.
After you cut remove the parts with pliers and if needed bend the edges or file the edges, Now make a hold in the mid part of this can so we can insert the heating element here.
Step 2: Building Heater
This is a very important part of our project, The nichrome wire contributes to the hot air that comes out from our heater.
Nichrome wire is known for its heating ability while able to maintain its shape(depends on the power factor too), To get the most out of this wire we are using it in the form of coils.
Making the coil is very easy, you can use anything like refill or any such tube, Start by rolling the wire to form the coil and repeat the same for another coil too.
Now combine these 2 coils and connect them to a thick copper wire, Now insert this coil to the inside of the tin like shown in the steps.
Seal the wire holes with glue and allow for drying completely, Make sure there is no movement inside the coil when the outside wire is touched.
Step 3: Fan and Grill
Before adding the fan and grill to this heater make sure if the nichrome wire is getting heated up as it should be.
To check this all you have to do is connect the battery and wait for a few seconds, I have used 7.4v DC power from a series combination of 2 batteries.
After the checking is done we can head over to adding the dc fan first, make sure to check the direction of air flow before gluing this to the can.
Now for the grill, you can either use super glue, Since i got a grill that almost fits the lid I coupled this to the can with very small amount of hot glue.
Seal the places with hot glue and make sure not to miss any spots.
Step 4: Circuit Diagram
The circuit has 2 parts here on our project.
The DC fan circuit controls the airflow and the temperature and the heating element part controls the hotness of the nichrome wire
DC motor speed controller has 4 pins, Motor - and Motor +, Gnd, and 12v terminals.
Connect the DC Fan to the terminals of M+ and M- terminals of the speed controller, Battery terminals are connected to the Gnd and 12v pins on the speed controller.
The second circuit or the heating part is very simple
The nichrome wire is connected to the battery holder directly and for the power control we are using a push on and off switch.
Note that you are using multi-gauge wire to connect the nichrome wire part since that circuit goes through some heating.
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Step 5: Final Assembly
As we have the main component that makes the heater ready we can add the base to make it usable.
I have used an MDF wooden board that will be holding the heater and other parts, To elevate the height and add some inclination I used a small piece of Thermo insulated block, you can use any other material like wood or semiconducting material.
Glue the heating part or in other words tin to this part as shown in the steps, To add the speed control unit for the dc motor I pre connected the battery and later just connected the wires to the slots of the controller.
I found a place to keep the controller, make sure it's not touching any other parts, also add the battery and switch to the nichrome wire part.
The placing of the components is left to you, as per my size of the board this was best possible way.
Step 6: How to Use Room Heater
Did you know you can adjust the temperature of this heater even on this simple setup? I bet you didn't! See below how that can be done.
Turn on the DC speed motor controller and set the fan to normal speed and then turn on the heater(nichrome wire circuit), wait until you can feel the hot air.
If you still want slight hot air increase the speed of dc fan by turning the speed controller to high.
Make sure that the dc fan is always running before and after some time the nichrome wire is turned to off this is because the wire carries some heat inside.
One major area that needs working here is the battery backup, since the nichrome wire heats up it consumes all the battery power in some time.
That was all about this portable room heater, Dont forget to stay warm this cold season! Thanks and have a hot day :)
Step 7: Working Video
Are you feeling that you missed something? Don't worry we have a complete video tutorial on the same project, This video also shows the full working of the heater, If you still have any questions ask in the comments, Thanks for your interest in this project.