Introduction: How to Make Wire Tripper Circuit Using Z44N MOSFET
Hii friend,
Today I am going to make a simple circuit of Wire tripper. If anyone will cut the wire then buzzer will give sound.Today I will make this project using IRFZ44N MOSFET.
Let's get started,
Step 1: Take All Components As Shown Below
Components required -
(1.) Power supply - 12V DC
(2.) MOSFET - IRFZ44N x1
(3.) Resistor - 10K x1
(4.) Buzzer x1
(5.) Connecting wires
Step 2: Connect Buzzer to MOSFET
Firstly we have connect Buzzer to the circuit.
Solder -ve (Negative) Pin of Buzzer to Drain pin of the buzzer as solder in the picture.
Step 3: Connect 10K Resistor
Next we have to connect 10K Resistor to the circuit.
Connect 10K Resistor between +ve pin of Buzzer and Gate pin of the MOSFET as you can see in the picture.
Step 4: Connect Wire in the Circuit
Next solder a long wire between Pin Drain and gate pin of the circuit as you can see in the picture.
Step 5: Connect Power Supply Wire
Nect we have to connect power supply wire to the circuit.
Solder a wire between Gate and Drain pin of the MOSFET As solder in the pineure.
Step 6: Circuit Is Completed
Now our circuit is cpompleted o give 12V DC Power supply to the circuit.
Step 7: Result
When someone will cut the circui then bizzer will give gega