Introduction: How to Make a Batch File Where You Can Open Programs!!!!
This will make a great output!! :)
Step 1: Step 1 Open Your Code Editor
First, you would open your editor (such as notepad or notepad++).
Step 2: Step 2 the Code!!!
Here it is:
@echo off
title Run A Program
goto start
set /p"Input=What drive do you want to run programs through on this session?:"
cd %input%
set /p"Input=What would you like to run?:"
start %input%
echo Options: Start
set /p"Input=Where would you want to go?:"
goto %input%
Save it as Run.bat
Note: If you couldn't get it to work right then download the attachment.
Step 3: Step 3 Enjoy!!!
I hope you like it!!!
Comment ideas below. That would really help!!! :)