Introduction: How to Make a Coffee Straw Micro Loom

This tutorial shows you how to make a micro-loom out of coffee straws and how to use it

What you'll need

  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • A credit card or business card
  • Nice long straws like the kind you get for iced coffee!

Step 1: Thread Equal Lengths of Yarn 'warp' Through the Straws

Figure out how long and wide you want your project to be.

A manageable size is about 5 straws wide and for this tutorial I'm only going to make my project 12" long and turn it into a wristband but there is really no limit to length so you can make cool scarves or belts

Here I've cut 5 pieces of 'warp' about 18" (a few inches to tie knots). Each line of warp get threaded through its own straw. If you are having trouble threading the yarn, get it started and then suck the yarn through.

Step 2: Tie Off the Top and Bottom Ends of Your 'warp'

The the top of the 'warp' (white) with a regular/ permanent knot, and tie the bottom of the warp with a slip knot.

Separate a manageable amount of 'weave' (orange) from the main ball of yarn. You won't be able to pass the entire ball of yarn through the warp. To start the weave attach it with a simple knot to one of the warp lines on the end.

Step 3: Begin Passing the 'weave' Back and Forth Through the Straws

Pass the weave back and forth through the straws a few times just to get started

Step 4: Use a Credit Card or Business Card As a 'Shuttle'

You can turn a credit card or business card into a shuttle. This is not necessary but highly recommended.

Step 5: Push the Weave Up and Tighten a Little Buy Pulling Each Side

Every 5 or 10 passes you'll want to push the weave up toward the top and tighten it up a little by pulling each side and chasing the slack down the straws.

Step 6: Add a Stripe

If you want to change colors, cut the weave and attach a new color with a simple know. The knot can be worked into the weave and hidden from view.

Step 7: Re-position the Straws

Once you reach the end of your straws, untie the slip knot at the bottom, pull the straws down about half of their length and then retie the slip knot. Keep weaving and do this as many times as it takes until your project is the length you need it to be.

This step is also used when you're finished with your project but instead of just lowering the straws take them all the way out.

Step 8: Add More Yarn If You Run Out

If your shuttle runs out of yarn, reload it and attach the new length to the weave using the same method as was used to change the yarn color.

Step 9: Weave Until You Run Out of Yarn or Patience