Introduction: How to Make a Glowforge Windmill

This Is a homemade Windmill that will charge a light, a fan, or any other electricity using device.

Step 1: Matierals

You will need a Cardstock, Draftborad, and a motor.

Step 2: Making Your Materials Work

You will cut the Blades from Cardstock. The Base and Stand will be cut out of Draftboard.

Step 3: Assembleing the Windmill

Stick the Stands(the things with long poles and a circle in the middle) In the base(draftboard square). Then attach the blades to the Motor. Stick your motor into the stands.

Step 4: More Stability

You can hot Glue the stand to the motor if you want more stability. You also can use a Solder Iron to connect a light bulb, fan, or other electricity things. NOTE: it will not charge Tablets, Phones, Watches, or any other electricity using devices.