Introduction: How to Make a Stove for $1

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Things you will need:
-$1 metal water bottle
-hack saw
-metal drill bit and drill
-heet or 90% alcohol
-jb weld or aluminum tape

This is a metal stove and it onle take about 20 minutes to make. It is great for backpacking, camping, survival, and anyday use. I made mine and it works great for boiling water for hot cocoa. I will add a video of it in action soon.

Step 1: Use the Sharpie and Mark the Cuts

Now you have to draw line on the botttom and top of the bottle like in the picture below. Also remember to have them both be the same height.

Step 2: Cut the Marks and You Are Finished

Cut the bottle on the lines that you have just marked. Cut the marks on the lip of the bottle in half a centimeter. Next if you want you can sandpaper all of the color offof it to make it look much better. Lastly all you need to do is use jb weld or any other kind of thing to combine it ( i heard that aluminum tape works okay) and then fill it with an ounce of heet or any other type of lighter fluid, light it, and be safe and have fun!