Introduction: How to Make an Automatic Login for Gmail (Mac)
Hi guys!
Today I am going to teach ya'll to make an automatic Gmail login. You will be using Script editor. And this for Macintosh by the way. After you master this, you will be able to login for other things, 1Password, Minecraft, Yahoo etc...
Let's get started!!
Step 1: Script Editor
First open Script Editor. This is Apple's coding language. it is pretty much self-explanatory. Save it as whatever you like. I did Gmail Login.
Step 2: Code
Type in the following,
tell application "Safari"
open location ""
end tell
Then press the little hammer. That is the first line of code. It tells Safari to open up the login page.
Step 3: More Code
Type in the following, (with no spaces)
tell application "System Events"
set texttosay to "Sample Text"
activate "Email login"
display dialog "Username" default answer "My Account"
set texttosay to the text returned of the result
activate application "Safari"
keystroke texttosay
delay 1
end tell
Now press the hammer
This will type in the username. Replace My Account with your Gmail Username.
Step 4: Even More Code
Type this in, then press the the hammer sign. This types in the password. Replace MyPassword with your Gmail
tell application "System Events"
set texttosay to "Sample Text"
activate "Email login"
display dialog "Password" default answer "MyPassword" with hidden answer
set texttosay to the text returned of the result
activate application "Safari"
keystroke tab
delay 1
keystroke texttosay
delay 1
keystroke return
delay 5
activate "Email login"
end tell
Step 5: Video
This is a Video showing the code in action!
thank you!