Introduction: How to Measure Angle With MPU-6050(GY-521)
In this Instructable, we will measure angle with an Arduino. We need some cables, an Arduino UNO and GY-521(MPU-6050) in order to measure angle.
Step 1: Connecting MPU-6050 to Arduino UNO
We need some male-female cables, an Arduino UNO and GY-521(MPU-6050) sensor to measure angle. We have to connect MPU-6050 to Arduino UNO like shown in the picture. So,
- VCC to 5V(MPU-6050 works with 3.3V but GY-521 increases it to 5V.),
- GND to GND,
- SCL to A5,
- SDA to A4,
- ADO to GND,
- INT to digital pin 2.
Step 2: Code
Here is the code. It uses I2C. I took some parts of code from internet.(I2C part)
//Written by Ahmet Burkay KIRNIK
//Measurement of Angle with MPU-6050(GY-521)
const int MPU_addr=0x68; int16_t AcX,AcY,AcZ,Tmp,GyX,GyY,GyZ;
int minVal=265; int maxVal=402;
double x; double y; double z;
void setup(){ Wire.begin(); Wire.beginTransmission(MPU_addr); Wire.write(0x6B); Wire.write(0); Wire.endTransmission(true); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ Wire.beginTransmission(MPU_addr); Wire.write(0x3B); Wire.endTransmission(false); Wire.requestFrom(MPU_addr,14,true);<<8|;<<8|;<<8|; int xAng = map(AcX,minVal,maxVal,-90,90); int yAng = map(AcY,minVal,maxVal,-90,90); int zAng = map(AcZ,minVal,maxVal,-90,90);
x= RAD_TO_DEG * (atan2(-yAng, -zAng)+PI); y= RAD_TO_DEG * (atan2(-xAng, -zAng)+PI); z= RAD_TO_DEG * (atan2(-yAng, -xAng)+PI);
Serial.print("AngleX= "); Serial.println(x);
Serial.print("AngleY= "); Serial.println(y);
Serial.print("AngleZ= "); Serial.println(z); Serial.println("-----------------------------------------"); delay(400); }
Step 3: Done!
It's done! If it doesn't work or you need help, please leave a comment or send an email. You can find my email adress from comments. By the way, my English is not so good so I apologise for my bad English.
Ahmet Burkay KINIK
Edit: After 2 years, my English got better so I corrected some mistakes.