Introduction: How to Modify Kiteman's Avatar!

About: The following was written when I was about 10, and I'm just going to keep it as it is. i LOVE LONGBOARDING !!!!!!!!!!! My Top 5 ::::::::::: …
In this instructable i will show you how to properly modify Kiteman's avatar in ms paint.Some of people's different versions are in my 

This instructable is written with Kiteman's permission.

Step 1: The Picture We Will Be Modifying

When I modify the avatar I like to use this picture.It is simple,and i do not have to worry about colors.

Step 2: Open the Avatar Into MS Paint or Other Editing Program

Step 3: Erase Box Containing Kiteman

Now we will have some space to mess around

Step 4: Erase Arm Lines

Now you can edit the arm.

Step 5: Edit Hair

I like to use Goodheart's idea of shortening every second hair.

Step 6: Add Arms

Whatever position you want,or just redraw the lines on his shirt.

Step 7: Add Eyes

pretty self-explanitory

Step 8: Edit Shirt Desighn and Mouth/Nose

Step 9: Add Facial Hair and Other Oddities