Introduction: How to Modify Kiteman's Avatar!
In this instructable i will show you how to properly modify Kiteman's avatar in ms paint.Some of people's different versions are in my
This instructable is written with Kiteman's permission.
This instructable is written with Kiteman's permission.
Step 1: The Picture We Will Be Modifying
When I modify the avatar I like to use this picture.It is simple,and i do not have to worry about colors.
Step 2: Open the Avatar Into MS Paint or Other Editing Program
Step 3: Erase Box Containing Kiteman
Now we will have some space to mess around
Step 4: Erase Arm Lines
Now you can edit the arm.
Step 5: Edit Hair
I like to use Goodheart's idea of shortening every second hair.
Step 6: Add Arms
Whatever position you want,or just redraw the lines on his shirt.
Step 7: Add Eyes
pretty self-explanitory