Introduction: How to Shutdown Computer Without Using Start.

Let's start!

Step 1: Ready?

Step 2: Getting Started With Our Newest Program.

This is the beginning of our Program, Let's start.

This is Step 1.

Create an new Notepad.

Open up your new Notepad.

Step 3: Copy and Paste.

Do the same as Step 1 and Head into Step 2.

So... You got your Notepad now.

Copy and Paste this (It's between the hashtags)


@echo off msg * System will now shut down


-c “Bye!” –s


When you're done, Continue.

Step 4: Saving Up Your Changes.

Now that you Copied and Pasted the Script on the Notepad.

We're in Step 3. *Our final Step*

Now that you got the Script inside the Notepad, It's time for us to Save it.

Click on File >> Save as...

Then type it's filename.


Step 5: Finished!

Open up the Program and see what happens!