Introduction: How to Train Your Dog to Sit _ Luring Method
All you need to do this is a dog, yourself, and some training treats or a toy.
Dog & Dog treats
Step 1: Gather Bite Size Treats or a Toy
If you choose to use a toy, make sure it is your dog's favorite! If you are using treats, make sure to use bite-sized pieces. As this will make for less “chew time” while training.
Step 2: Capture Your Dog's Attention
By taking one treat in your hand and showing it to the dog. This will get him/her looking at you. You may also brush it in front of your dog's nose if they are distracted.
Step 3: Move the Treat Up and Over the Dog's Head.
The dog will follow the treat with its head. This will cause them to bring their head up and eventually their bottom down.
Step 4: Reward the Dog by Feeding Them the Treat.
You will also want to mark the action by saying “yes” or “good sit”. This is called positive reinforcement. You reinforce the positive behavior with a positive reward.
Step 5: Repeat Steps One or Two Times Using Food As a Lure.
This will create repetition of the wanted behavior.
Step 6: Remove the Food and Replace It With Your Empty Hand and the Same Upward Swooping Motion.
This created the association between the hand signal and the wanted behavior
Step 7: Say "sit" Once He/she Understands the Hand Signal.
This will give you the ability to ask for a sit verbally or nonverbally using a hand signal.
Step 8: Release the Command
Use a release word like "free" or "okay" to let the dog know that they are free from the command and can go on to do something else.