Introduction: How to Write the Best Song Ever!

Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, BTS, Ed Sheeran, and Billie Eilish all had one thing in common. And you know what that was? Hint: You have it too! It's inspiration and creativity! Without those thing, they wouldn't be where they are today! (I attached a photo of the paper on which I wrote the song. This is the easiest way to organize it!)


- Your Brain

- Inspiration (Get a lot!)

- Creativity

- Pencil + Eraser

- 2 - 3 sheets of paper (lined)

Step 1: Picking the Topic

Think of one thing that is special to you. It could be a memory, feeling, item, person, and anything else! It could even be cake! Next, picture a scene. It could be something out of this world like on Mars, or something a bit more casual. For mine I will be using the feeling of regret and the scene in my bed, just waking up.

Step 2: Forming the Melody

This part is a bit tricky. First you must think of a tune. Use an already made tune or make your own! It can be anything, and a great way to make one is to use garage band or a keyboard at home! You can even use your phone's ringtone! After that, count how many syllables are in the first verse. I made a simple melody that you can listen to in the videos. It has 9 syllables in it so my first verse has to be 9 syllables long. I will do, " Every single day I lay in bed." Relate it to the scene like I did. When you have one verse of the song like that, you can easily just make up the rest of the tune by yourself. Do that and explain the thoughts going through your mind when you think of your topic. It does not have to rhyme well because it is the beginning of the song. Most songs have a repeating chorus so that will be step 3.

Step 3: Forming the Chorus

The chorus is the part of the song that gets stuck in your head. For example, in the song "The Monster" by Eminem, The chorus is "I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed." So for your chorus, think of the thing again, but instead of not rhyming, you should try to rhyme it. You can say nothing about the scene or say something, or make a new scene altogether! Explain the topic thoroughly, like if it about a person, then tell your feelings about them. Mine is regret, so I am saying that I am guilty and I want to reverse time again.

Step 4: Formatting the Song

I like to call this step "Formatting the song." In this step, you will have to write lyrics for the entire song. Keep in mind that you CAN'T do this properly in one or two days. You may take a week or so, or maybe even a month! This time don't explain the topic, but pick one thing about it and expand on that. Watch the video for the whole song that I made.

Step 5: Recording Your Voice (Optional)

This is the easiest step of all! Everyone can sing, and even if you don't like how you sound, you do have an amazing voice. Everyone is special in their own way. So just get a device and sing! And you don't have to record yourself, but sometimes it is good to do in case you forget.