Introduction: How to Get Back at Junk Mail Senders
In this instructable I will show you a few easy methods to make it even more costly for companies who do mass junk mailings. If everyone were to use these methods, junk mailing would very likely stop all-together.
Step 1: Find Your Target
For my example, I'm going to be using an envelope provided by a college I will not be attending :P.
You want to look for "Buisiness Reply Mail" envelopes, which are provided by many companies who want information back from you. These make perfect targets because the amount of money charged to the company depends on 2 main things, Weight and routing code.
You want to look for "Buisiness Reply Mail" envelopes, which are provided by many companies who want information back from you. These make perfect targets because the amount of money charged to the company depends on 2 main things, Weight and routing code.
Step 2: Mess With the Wieght
Well, buisiness reply mail is supposed to only contain one sheet of paper... If it is over a certain weight, the company is charged extra by the post office. I like to use shredded paper (thank you staples) from my paper shredder. It is lightweight, but you can pack lots into the envelope. After you put in a nice little note saying that the company can "STOP SENDING ME THESE FU**ING LETTERS", pack as much shredded paper into the envelope as you can. Then, duct tape the envelope closed (packing tape also works, but it is lighter :( ).
Step 3: Mess With the Routing Code
the routing code is what tells the post office where the letter is supposed to go (for machine sorting). If BRM doesn't have this code, the company is charged more.
All you need to do is take a black magic marker to this code, and all of a sudden, they loose more money :D.
All you need to do is take a black magic marker to this code, and all of a sudden, they loose more money :D.
Step 4: Final Steps
Write nasty things about the company on the envelope (no obscenities :D) you may as well give the postal workers who have to hand sort your envelope a laugh.
Drop into a postal box, and your done.
I do this about once a month, saving up all of the business reply mail envelopes and shredded papers (remember to recycle :D)
I hope you liked my first instructable, Peace.
Drop into a postal box, and your done.
I do this about once a month, saving up all of the business reply mail envelopes and shredded papers (remember to recycle :D)
I hope you liked my first instructable, Peace.