Introduction: How to Line Envelopes on the Cheap

About: I'm currently between touring gigs, trying to DIY the majority of my wedding. I love to sew and craft, but can't cook to save my life...
Looking to save some money on your wedding, but still get awesome lined envelopes? It's wicked easy! There are a bunch of tutorials out there on how to line envelopes with pretty scrapbooking paper or printed patterns that eat up printer ink. You ready for the secret? Wrapping paper!! 

Wrapping paper is a good thickness to line the envelopes without adding weight or added bulk. Also, wrapping paper comes in a variety of styles for whatever kind of lining you're looking for, AND depending on when your wedding is, you can snag some really pretty paper in silvers and whites for really, really cheap.

First off, you will need:

- a large space to work in that is flat and can be cut on.

-a rotary cutter (mine is an old fabric rotary cutter that only works on paper now)

-a pair of scissors

-glue stick or double sided tape

-template for your envelope


-wrapping paper

Step 1: Trace your envelope onto a piece of printer paper, marking where the fold is and where the adhesive is. Cut the paper just inside the tracing line, and just below the adhesive line. Fold on the mark for the envelope fold.

Step 2: Place the paper in the envelope and make any changes to the template as needed.

Step 3: Roll out the wrapping paper, and figure out the best layout to get the most liners from your paper. My paper had a grid on the back that let me cut it into rectangles, then trim the corners. My layout ended up wasting only  the corners I cut off the liners, and about an inch off the length of the roll. I was able to get 71 liners out of a single roll of wrapping paper.

Step 4: Cut your liners. I found it was easier to cut a stack of liners, line that many envelopes, cut more, line more, etc, etc.

Step 5: Place the liner into the envelope, and trim as needed. Using glue or double stick tape, glue the top of the liner to the envelope flap. The rest of the liner can stay unglued, it won't matter.

Step 6: Fold the flap down to crease the liner, and you are done.

This is relatively cheap and very easy, but extremely time consuming. I'm up to 158 liners done, and I still have 42 to go, and I've put in about 8 hours.

On the plus side though, My envelopes are from Staples - plain white envelopes, no fancy linen finish or special order cardstock - and the liners are made out of wrapping paper from Walmart. But put the two together, and those envelopes start to look like something much more expensive than they actually are!