Introduction: How to Make Sokka's Boomerang (ATLA)

About: I love woodworking and making fun stuff on the lathe, I really enjoy making stuff and posting it on this website, and I love the Hobbit
So nobody on the internet has anything on how to make Sokka's boomerang. People have made it but no one knows how to. So here I will show you how to make the boomerang from the cartoon not the stupid movie version.

Step 1: Basic Shape

I cut out the basic shape and then I marked where the 2 holes go. The wood I was using is just 3/4 inch thick common board. I traced a
picture of his boomerang from google to get the right shape. After I drilled the holes I gave the whole thing a light sanding.

Step 2: Sand the Edges.

Next, I sanded the edges. I noticed that the boomerang in the show has an almost blade-like edge. So to get that I sanded the edges on an angle and then did the same on the other side. Only sand the edges on the outside, NOT the inside. Then I cut that little itsy bitsy notch on the tip.

Step 3: Painting Time!

First, I painted all the OUTSIDE edges white. Then I masked off the white when it dried and painted everything else blue. Once everything is dry, spray a clearcoat over it all. DONE!!!