Introduction: How to Make a Cheap Home Made Par Can

Ever wanted to have disco lights in your own home but found they were too expensive for what you wanted ??

Well with this project you can build a par 46 can for about $10-15

Step 1: Breif Introduction

Par cans, are the leading light in night clubs, dj's, and stage productions but they can also be used around the home to lighten up things.

The size of par cans are measured in Par's. 8 "Par's" is 1 inch.
Eg. 64 Par is 64/8=8 inches

My Par can is 46 Par (do the math) and you can make any size using tins from anywhere

Step 2: Materials

To make a Par Can you need:

1 Large tin (this will be your par can. please read ahead before selecting your tin size!!)
(I used a 4L punch juice tin for mine)
1 Power cable with male end (end that plugs into the wall) and other end bare wire
1 Standard light fitting (from your country)
1 100W bulb
spare 240v single wire
Pvc pipe of 2cm diameter
bolts, screws, hot glue, electrical tape
FOR THE COOLING UNIT (recommended)
1 tin slightly smaller in diameter than your parcan
1 12V fan
240VAC-12VDC converter with cable
hot glue, screws

Step 3: Building the Parcan Part 1

1st picture/step: mark on the base of the tin where the light socket will sit. Try and get it close to center also mark out the holes where you need to drill to bolt the light socket down

2nd picture/step: Drill a hole where were you just marked so that the bolt fits neatly through

3rd picture/step: Drill a hole directly in the center big enough for the power cord to fit through

4th picture/step: Drill fiarly big holes all around the tin base BUT THEY MUST BE outside the light socket markings

5th picture/step: flip the can and pull the cord through the center hole so that is on the inside of the can. Then Strip the 3 wires and screw them into the appropriate places on the light socket

6th picture/step: Add the spare wire in with the earth wire. For this diagram I used a red wire.

7th picture/step: Pull the light bulb socket back through to the bottom of the tin (now it should be on the inside) and bolt it down using the holes that you drilled (Keep the red wire lose so that it is not stuck under the light socket and you can get to the end of it

8th picture/step: drill a hole close to the open end of the can that woll allow you to put a SMALL bolt through(Make sure the red wire can go through that hole)

9th picture/step: put the bare wires of the red wire around the head of the bolt so then from the inside put the bolt through the hole and tighten it with a nut make sure its really tight.


Step 4: