Introduction: How to Make a Macro Particle Accelerator
This is an attempt to reporduce Dr. Todd Johnsons demo of a particle accelerator by propelling a coated ping pong ball with electric fields.
What you see is strips of aluminum tape charged and spread out in a bow.l They are used to create electric charges that repeatedly change the charge of a conductively painted ping pong ball. This results in a sort of motor that propels the ball around the circumference of the bowl.
I've heard accelerators like CERN use electric fields, and I've heard they use magnetic fields. I believe I can distuinguish between the two, but I'd be interested in an experts discription of their differences.
Imagine my embarassment if I learn here that there is no difference. Even though everyone knows electromagnetism is a single force, It seems to me that at times it lacks polarity.
Either way, a simple understanding of "likes repel / opposites attract" is enough to see why this machine works.
Step 1: What You Need
bowl (at least 8' diameter)
aluminum tape (or copper) (aluminum foil and glue, maybe?)
wires with alegator clips ( I've found that large strips of aluminum tape is hard to solder to.)
A large cfl (compact flourescent tube)
a flyback transformer
a ping pong ball
conductive paint, (I made my own, but I made a poor mix. So I revived my dried out comercial stuff with "goof off." Look here.
I think these home made recepies are sound though. look here. ( )
Step 2:
The capacitors in the crt, as well as the finished flyback will LIGHT YOU UP, but from what I can gather from experienced sources, your more likely to hurt somebody with your flailing than from the shock itself. An accedent here probably won't kill you.
That's the best I can do, in good concience.
Step 3:
Take apart a cfl. Attach a couple of massive capacitors. Polarity probably matters, but I don't know how to tell you to attach them. I worked through this project with trial and error, (mostly error).
Follow this guys ible.
The cfl doesn't need to be huge. I had to gear my 65w down for this project.
Step 4:
I had to swing the bowls to get them started. The strait one in the following video was easier to start out with. I recommend trying it first.