Introduction: How to Make an Archery Range.

About: I'm one of those weird people who are rare mix of people who like outdoors and building stuff and who stay inside reading or playing video games. I love knives, bows, staves, swords, blow guns, and pretty much…

Step 1: What You Need

Building blocks
Paintings or Item Frames
Ladders or someway to get up high

Step 2: Step 2

Make towers with the building blocks. Make them as high as you want your targets to be and make as many as you want targets.

Step 3: Step 3

Put ladders (or whatever your using to get up the towers) every where in the front of the tower except for the top block for a painting/item frame.

Step 4: Step 4

Put a painting or item frame on the front of the top block.

Step 5: Step 5

Shoot the painting or item frame then climb up there and set the painting back.

Step 6: Step 6

Have fun!