Introduction: How to Make Photo to Draw Quickly (less 1 Mn)

About: Here to share my ideas, my creations. I try to make instructables with to language : english and french _______________________________________ Ici pour partager mes idées, mes créations. J'essaye de créer de…
This instructable guide you to make a draw with a picture.

You will need Photosshop

And a picture ! ^^

Here, it's a picture of Dexter.

Step 1: Step 1 : Grayscale and Copy

In first, your piture need to pass in greyscale mode.

Go to image > mode > greyscale

Then make ctrl + J (it's a copy of your image)

Then make ctrl + I (negative mode)

Step 2: Step 2 : Draw Mode

Your negative picture need to pass in Color Dodge.

Look the picture to see where is color dodge

The picture will be totaly white.

Don't panic ! It's normal.

Step 3: Step 3 : the Final !

The gaussien blur allows to cross the photo in mode drawing, to you to find the good dosage to have the best effect !

And that's all ! Easy and fast