Introduction: How to Make Your Own Hair Bands

 Get a cloth cut to the length you prefer 

Step 1: Paint

 Choose a color paint that you would like to dye it.

Step 2: Paint Container

 Put a drop of paint in a container 

Step 3: Hot Water

 Turn on hot water. Get it steaming hot

Step 4: Water in Container

Fill container 3/4 full with hot water

Step 5: Stir

 Stir the paint and water together

Step 6: Dye

 Slowly place the cloth in the container

Step 7: Let Sit

 Let sit for 5-10 minutes 

Step 8: Take Out

 Take cloth out of water

Step 9: Ring Out

Ring out extra water

Step 10: Pull Apart

 Pull cloth apart

Step 11: Put on Hanger

 Hang the cloth on a hanger

Step 12: Dry

 Let Dry

Step 13: Tie

 Put in your hair where you want it. Tie it

Step 14: Wear

 Now your ready for the day!