Introduction: How to Take of Resistors

About: Since I was 6 years I have disassembled old video players and built them in to something new, to the joy and frustration of my parents! I was 13 when I got my first car and 14 when I got my second.
In this instructable I will show you how to take of resistors (and other things on circuit boards) with out burning yourself. Its easy, fast and cheap. 

you will need:
clip ( this will be your tool)
knife (optional)

Instead of using pliers and tweezers you can make your own tool!

Step 1: How to Make the Tool

here is some photos of ow to bend the clip to make it into your tool.

Step 2: How to Use the Tool

here is 3 quic tips on how to use your tool
1. don't drag to hard, when the resistor gets loos it will fly away along with the tool.
2. make it fit your hand, comfortable
3. the bend that goes under the resistor must be small,