Introduction: How to Use Arduino ISP Shield 2.0

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Turn our arduino into an ISP programmer to burn boot-loaders and upload code to Attiny85, Attiny84, Atmega328, Atmega1624, Attiny4313..

How To Burn Bootloader
In order to upload sketches via serial port you first need to burn the bootloader on atmega 328 or 168 chips.

Plugin your arduino uno to the PC.
Open Arduino IDE software.
Open File > Examples > ArduinoISP.
Select the items in the Tools> Board and Serial Port menus that correspond to the board you are using (uno or Leonardo) as the programmer (not the board being programmed).

Upload the ArduinoISP sketch. (CTRL+U).

Place ISP shield on the Arduino Uno with the chip installed.

In the Tools > Board menu, select uno if using 328 chip or deomletive if using 168 chip.

Select Tools > Programmer > Arduino as isp.

Tools> Burn booloader. Please be patient as it will take about 10 seconds. Programming light on the shield will turn on.


Now you can use serial programmers to upload sketches. Or replace your faulty chip on on anther uno board.

To Upload the sketch without burning the bootloader on atmega328 chips

Using isp shield you can also upload sketches directly to the chip without burning the bootloader.

Plugin your arduino uno to the PC.

Open Arduino IDE software.
Open File > Examples > ArduinoISP.
Select the items in the Tools> Board and Serial Port menus that correspond to the board you are using as the programmer (not the board being programmed).
Upload the ArduinoISP sketch. (CTRL+U).

Place ISP shield on the Arduino Uno with the chip installed.

In the Tools > Board menu, select uno if using 328 chip or deomletive if using 168 chip.

Select Tools > Programmer > Arduino as isp.

Open the sketch you want to upload on the chip (Eg. Blink sketch led=10).

Upload it using File > Upload using programmer. CTRL +SHIFT + U.


To upload sketch to Attiny85

This tutorial shows you how to program an ATtiny45 or ATtiny85 micro-controller using the Arduino software and hardware.


You’ll need the Arduino software and a plugin to add support for the ATtiny45/85. Installation instructions for the Arduino software are  available for Windows and for Mac OS X Linux
The ATtiny45 / ATtiny85 Micro-controller

Here’s the pin-out of the ATtiny45 and ATtiny85:


Installing ATtiny45 / ATtiny85 support in Arduino

* Ensure the Arduino IDE is NOT running.

* Download the Arduino-Tiny archive (ZIP-file).

* Locate the Arduino Sketchbook folder. This is the folder where the Arduino
IDE stores Sketches.

* Ensure the “hardware” folder exists under the Arduino Sketchbook folder. For
example, if the Arduino Sketchbook folder is…


Ensure this folder exists…


* Extract the contents of the archive into the “hardware” folder. For example,
if the Arduino Sketchbook folder is…


After extracting, the following files / folders should exist…

C:\Projects\Arduino\hardware\tiny\avr\Prospective Boards.txt

The following folder should contain the source files for the Arduino-Tiny


* Create a new file named “boards.txt” in the tiny\avr directory. Following
from the examples above, the file would be here…


* Open the “boards.txt” file and the “Prospective Boards.txt” file using your
favourite text editor.

* Copy board entries of interest from “Prospective Boards.txt” to “boards.txt”
(or copy the entire contents of “Prospective Boards.txt” to “boards.txt”).
Board entries are delineated by a long line of pound-signs.

* In the “boards.txt” file, change the “upload.tool” entries to the
appropriate value for your setup.

* Save and close “boards.txt”. Close “Prospective Boards.txt”.

* Start the Arduino IDE and ensure the new boards of interest are listed under
the [Tools] [Board] menu…

“ATtiny84 @ 16 MHz (external crystal; 4.3 V BOD)”
“ATtiny85 @ 8 MHz (internal oscillator; BOD disabled)”

You are now ready to use Arduino-Tiny!

Uploading Sketch for ATTINY

Plugin your arduino uno to the PC.
Open Arduino IDE software.
Open File > Examples > ArduinoISP.
Select the items in the Tools> Board and Serial Port menus that correspond to the board you are using (uno or Leonardo) as the programmer (not the board being programmed).

Upload the ArduinoISP sketch. (CTRL+U).

Place ISP shield on the Arduino Uno with the chip installed.

In the Tools > Board menu, select Attiny85 @ 8mhz

Select Tools > Programmer > Arduino as isp.

Open the sketch you want to upload

Upload the sketch. (CTRL+U).
