Introduction: How to Wire an LED Flashlight

About: I am a student looking for some fun and cool projects :)
As most people know, LED lights are VERY bright. they work well as a flashlight for a low cost. This is my first instructable. Questions, Comments, or suggestions are welcome.

Step 1: Materials

you will need materials.

1. LED light
2. double A battery pack
3. Duct tape
4.Bic Pen body (i think we all know how to take one appart)
5. Wires
6. Batteries.
7.Bic pen cap

Step 2: Wire the Led W/ Duct Tape

put the wires through the pen cap. use duct tape to mold the led to the wires

Step 3: Into the Pen Body

push the led and wires through the pen body and connect the cap,

Step 4: Tape on Battery Pack and Connect!

the tittle explains it all.