Introduction: Hummingbird Feeder
- Glass/plastic bottle
- Small plastic container
- Red spray paint Wire
- Foamy paper for flowers or fake plastic flowers
- Wirecutter
- Scissors
- Liquid silicone glue
- Utility knife
Step 1: Making a Hole in the Plastic Container
Approximate time needed to complete step: 5 min
- Grab the plastic container and draw a small hole with a black marker (1-2 inches of width).
- Once you have drawn the hole, grab you’re utility knife and heat it up by placing it in your stove.
- Use the hot knife to carefully cut the hole you had previously drawn on the plastic container.
- Using the same knife, poke 4 small holes in the extremes of the lid.
Step 2: Make a Hole in the Lid of the Bottle
Approximate time needed to complete step: 5 min
- Make a hole in the bottle lid that is similar in size to the whole in the plastic container.
- Use the same heating technique to cut the hole in the bottle lid.
Step 3: Paint Plastic Container
Approximate time needed to complete step: 5 min
- Grab the plastic container and spray it with your red spray paint can. This is used to attract hummingbirds.
- Let the paint cure for 1 whole day.
Step 4: Paste Lid in Plastic Container
Approximate time needed to complete step: 5 min
- Paste the bottle lid with liquid silicone glue and let it dry.
- Use the fake plastic flowers to decorate around it and make it look realistic.
Step 5: Use Wire/rope to Make a Hanger
- Wrap the wire around the bottle to make a hanger for the hummingbird feeder.
- Here you can choose to make the hanger out of wire or rope depending on what works best with you.
- If you decided to use the wire, make sure to wear a pair of glasses to protect your eye's from getting poked by the wire.