Introduction: I Made a Lathe Dog at the Tech Shop
Lathe Dog for turning between centers on a lathe
Step 1: Materials Needed
1 Steele nut, 1 5/16-18 bolt about 3 inches long with matching nut, and 1 1/4-20 bolt about 1 inch long.(Nut and bolt sizes can vary depending on size of Lathe Dog needed)
Step 2: Bore Out Threads Using a Metal Lathe
Use a metal lathe to bore out threads to a diameter bigger than the size of the material you will be using the lathe dog on.
Step 3: Drill and Tap Bolt Threads
On one side of the bolt, in the center drill and tap the longer bolt thread thru one wall. Then on the opposite side drill and tap the smaller bolt thread size thru one wall in the center.
Step 4: Bend the Longer Bolt
bend the longer bolt to almost 90 degrees
Step 5: Assemble Parts
assemble the parts as shown and tighten the bolt nut.
Step 6: Now You Can Use the Lathe Dog
as shown, now you can use the Lathe Dog to turn a piece of material between centers. I made it at the Tech Shop.