Introduction: ICSP Connector for Arduino Nano Without Soldered Pin Header But Pogo Pin
Make a ICSP connector for Arduino Nano without soldered pin header on the board but Pogo Pin.
3×2 Pin Socket x1 — A
Pitch 2.54mm Dupont Line Wire Female Pin Connector Housing Terminals x6 — B
P75-E2 (1.3mm Conical Head) Spring Test Probe Pogo Pin 1.0mm Thimble x6 — C
2mm Heat Shrink Tube x6 — D
Clothes Peg — E
Step 1: Remove Pins of Pin Socket.
Pins of pin socket are not used.
Pull to remove use long-nose pliers.
Step 2: Widen the Holes of Pin Socket.
Drill the holes to make diameter 1mm.
Step 3: Crimp the Female Housings to the Pogo Pin.
Crimp the female housings to the pogo pin.
Step 4: Insert Pogo Pins in the Pin Socket.
Insert and adhere pogo pins with pin socket.
Step 5: Insulation.
Insulate every pin by heat shrink tube.
Step 6: Make a Part by 3D Printer.
Make a clothes peg part by 3D printer.