Introduction: Instant Weave Poles!
Dog Agility Weave Poles in a matter of minutes!!! This is an almost no tools Instructable!!!
My dogs started agility early this year and I have been stewing on how to make different obstacles to practice with at home... Chess my Border Collie went up a class a few weeks ago and could really use the practice on the weave poles so I went to my local hardware store and came up with these!!!
Step 1: Materials!
What you will need from the hardware store (I went to my local Bunnings).
- 6 meters of 20mm PVC water pipe ($6.2 for a 3m length, or $2.3 for pre-cut 1m lengths! I'm lazy, I paid the $1.4 extra to avoid cutting anything).
- 6x Irrigation spikes (double check that they fit, they didn't fit every piece of 20mm PVC only about half, not sure why).
- 6x 20mm end caps.
- Insulation tape in bright colours for decorating.
Other odds and ends
- Scissors.
- Ruler or measuring tape.
- Pencil.
Step 2: Assemble!
Fit each 1m length of PVC with an irrigation spike on one end and an end cap on the other!
Step 3: Decorate!
Use the insulation tape to decorate your new weave poles!
Step 4: Practice!
Practice, practice, practice and enjoy!