Introduction: Interfacing Tilt Sensor With Arduino

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A Tilt Sensor recognizes the orientation of an object and provides its output High or Low respectively.


Hardware Components

Tilt sensor

Arduino Uno



Register 220 ohm

Connecting wires

Software Components

Arduino IDE

Step 1: About Project

Tilt Sensor

This Mercury switch-based tilt sensor module provides high at its output pin when tilted. It needs a 5V of DC input. The switch is a three-terminal device that contains input, ground and output. It also has a glass tube that contains two electrodes and a liquid mercury ball.

Tilt Sensor Working

1. In case of Not tilted When the switch is in a NOT tilted position, it shows LOW output due to the liquid mercury complete the circuit by attaching the two electrodes. When the output is LOW on-board LED rest ON.

2. In the case of Tilted When it is tilted in a specific direction or angle, the liquid mercury disrupts the contact between the metal electrodes and the circuit becomes open. Hence, we receive HIGH output in this state and the onboard LED turns off.

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Step 2: Run a Program

void setup() { pinMode(2, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); pinMode(4, INPUT); } void loop() { if (digitalRead(4) == 1) { digitalWrite(2, HIGH); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); delay(300); digitalWrite(2, LOW); digitalWrite(3, LOW); delay(300); } }