Introduction: Popular Ir Resistor Ble Ring

About: I am disabled and walk on a cane , but try and live life to the fullest ( or foolishness ) since my antics most time end up with me in bed on ice for a few days
Make a wooden ring with a resistor "Gem"
For little or no cost

Materials needed
Popular dowel 1 inch or larger
Scrap zebra or any scrap hard wood or you can use antler or horn
Drill / Dremel
Resistors of different sizes
Super glue
Hot glue gun
Lathe, oscillating spindle sander

Step 1: Cutting the Wood

Cut dowel about 3/8 -1/2 inch long / Cut scrap wood to 1.5inch by 1.5 by 1 inch turn on lathe if you are going to use one. Find the best part of the antler , nearer the bottom is harder inside then near the top.
I used my Dremel to sand away the extra Zebra wood

Step 2: Drill Hole in the Center of the Wood

Just what it says , drill a hole as near to center of the dowel as you can

Step 3: Shape With Dremel or Oscillate With Your Spindle Sander

Shape the ring , round and smooth the inside and outside , flatten one side on the outside of the ring for the "Gem"

Step 4: Final Shaping

Use a knife to fine tune the shape of your ring round the inside edges more if needed , use sandpaper if you want to save yourself a cut

Step 5: Find the Right Resistor

This all started when my son found this large resistor and 3 others on something he was tearing apart

Step 6: Super Glue the Resistor

Use super glue or hot glue to hold the resistor to the ring ,make sure you cut the wire and bend them to touch the ring , I did drill this one for the wires

Step 7: Done !

Place on your finger and were your new rings , make some for your family , friends and dont forget your girl.

Step 8: This and That

I didn't use a finish on the rings since the oil of your hand will add a finish, you can sand them if you wish, I would start with 100 grit and finish it with 600 grit then a oil of your choice
This can be done on a lathe faster but my shop is a mess and I can't get to my lathe or use my other tools back there
When using power tools or a knife please be careful injuries can happen ....
My shop is somewhere back there