Introduction: Jogging Night Light Ring
When jogging at night I felt I wanted something to help drivers see me but also to illuminate the path if I was going down a dark street.
I really didn't like the idea of attaching something heavy onto my clothes nor holding something in my hand, so I came up with this cheap lo-fi solution.
Step 1: Materials
3D printer
3V coin battery CR2032 or similar
LED, preferably high luminosity.
Step 2: Alter the 3D Print
Go to to get the STL to 3D print.
If you need feel free to adjust for your finger size using this link:
Step 3: Attach Battery and LED
The battery will go into the little groove.
The LED legs, when in use, slot into the vertically aligned holes. Make sure that the long leg is touching the +ve side of the battery and the short leg the -ve side. The LED should light up and you can simply slip it onto your finger.
When not in use, the LED legs go into the horizontally aligned holes, ensuring that the battery does not fall out.
Step 4: Customize
I chose to use spray paint which seems to work well. Not sure about other types of paint. Please try and let me know.